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White Paper on Human Rights in North Korea 2017
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 24,500
USD 17.86
Author: KINU
Publisher: KINU
Pub. Date: Jul 2017
Pages: 586
Dimensions (in inches): 5.9 x 8.8 x
ISBN: 9788984798755
Language: English
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Summary _ 14

Purpose for Publication and Research Methodology
1 Purpose for Publication _ 30
2 Research Methodology _ 32

The Reality of Civil and Political Rights
1 Right to Life _ 42
2 Right to Not Receive Torture or Inhumane Treatment _ 59
3 Right to Not be Forced into Labor _ 70
4 Right to Liberty and Security of Person _ 78
5 Right to Humane Treatment in Detention _ 89
6 Right to Freedom of Movement and Residence _ 117
7 Right to a Fair Trial _ 134
8 Right to Privacy _ 166
9 Right to Freedom of Ideology, Conscience and Religion _ 178
10 Right to Freedom of Expression _ 194
11 Right to Freedom of Assembly and Association _ 217
12 Right to Political Participation _ 227
13 Right to Equality _ 237

The Reality of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
1 Right to Food _ 264
2 Right to Health _ 285
3 Right to Work _ 306
4 Right to Education _ 322
5 Right to Social Security _ 333

Vulnerable Groups
1 Women _ 350
2 Children _ 394
3 Persons with Disabilities _ 419

Major Issues
1 Political Prison Camps (Kwanliso) _ 446
2 Corruption _ 459
3 Overseas Defectors _ 478
4 Overseas Workers _ 510
5 Separated Families, Abductees and Korean War POWs _ 543


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