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Mongering North Korean Democracy For Inter-Korean Peace
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 18,000
USD 12.53
Author: Hyug Baeg Im & Jae H.Ku
Publisher: Korea University Press
Pub. Date: Aug 2015
Pages: 176
Cover: Hard Cover
Dimensions (in inches): 6.7 x 9 x 0.8
ISBN: 978-89-7641-886-9
Language: English
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We have written this book on the possibility of inter-Korean peace through North Korean democratization in a milieu of both pessimism and wishful thinking regarding the future of the North Korean dictatorial regime. This book will not be calculating and predicting the probability of North Korean regime collapse or survival. Rather this book plans to examine vague, unsorted, and undigested hopes for democracy in North Korea and inter-Korean peace and from them find possibilities that may be realized in the near future.


Chapter 1 Introduction: Mongering Democracy for Peace in North Korea from Impossible Conditions

Chapter 2 Exceptional Durability and Survivability of North Korean Dictatorship
The Collapsism of North Korea: Myth and Reality Factors Contributing to Exceptional Durability and Survivability of North Korean Dictatorship

Chapter 3 Institutionalizing Dictatorship in North Korea
Kim Il Sung: Institutionalization of Party Control over the Military
Kim Jong Il: Privatized Military Organization out of Party Control
Kim Jong Un: Mixed System of Totalitarianism and Neo- patrimonialism
The Implications of the Mixture of Totalitarianism and Patrimonialism for the Durability of North Korean Dictatorship

Chapter 4 Democracy for Peace
Inter-Korean Peace before Reunification
Democracy for Peace
Why Has Non-Democratic North Korea Impeded Inter-Korean Peace?

Chapter 5 Mongering Democracy from Neo-Patrimonial Socialist Dictatorship in North Korea 1: Failed Exogenous Democratization
Choices and Echoes of Exogenous Democratizations in North Korea
Immunity from Contagion: North Korea Has Been Immune from Contagious Wave of Democratization
Failed Control: Sanctions and Forced Regime Change Did not Bring Liberal Democracy in North Korea
Inter-Korean Consent from Below Did not Happen: Non-Spill Over from Sunshine Policy
Lee Myung Baks Conditinality that Had Never Worked

Chapter 6 Mongering Democracy from Neo-Patrimonial Socialist Dictatorship in North Korea 2: Crafting Endogenous Democratization
Strategic Choice for Endogenous Democratization: The Strength to Concede
Can North Korea Be a Candidate for Conceding to Thrive?
The Strength to Concedein North Korea
North Korean Bittersweet Spotto Concede
Conceding to Thrivefor North Korean Leader and Ruling Elites

Chapter 7 A Proposal for Democratization in North Korea
Marketization, Liberalization, and Pluralization
Electoral Supporters Groups
Conceding to Democracy

Chapter 8 Eclectic Approaches to Inter-Korean Peace Building
The Virtues of Eclecticism in Building Inter-Korean Peace
Why Does New Democracy in North Korea Promote Inter-Korean Peace Building?
Functionalism: Buying Peace
Inter-governmentalism: Institutionalizing Inter-Korean Peace System
Realism: Sustaining Peace by Resolving Security Dilemmas of Two Koreas
Constructivism: Rebuilding Korean National Identity

Chapter 9 East Asian Regional Security Community as the Guarantor of Inter-Korean Peace
Entrapment of U.S. in East Asian Security Community
USFK as Peacekeeping Force in East Asia
Taming Rampant Nationalism

About Authors
Hyug Baeg Im 175
Jae H. Ku


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