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To Fly Korea's Skies - An Autobiography
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 25,000
USD 17.52
Author: Kim Shin
Publisher: Dolbaegae
Pub. Date: Mar 2016
Pages: 376
Dimensions (in inches): 6 x 8.8 x
ISBN: 9788971997093
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The overflowing joy I felt when I flew freely over the skies of my country on an aircraft with Korea’s national flag painted on its body was also short-lived, for I had to fly the skies of my country beset by the tragedy of an internecine war. I had to bomb the mountains and rivers of my own country, even if it was in defense of freedom. The tragedy of using the aviation skills acquired under such harrowing conditions against my own compatriots was certainly not just my own personal tragedy. We must never again repeat this tragedy. Hence, we must all become masters of our own time and history and, with wisdom and courage, step forward to achieve our nation’s reconciliation and cooperation. All these wishes and meanings are embedded in the title of this book, To Fly Korea’s Skies


Part 1.
Trees that Grow in the Land of Separation

Chapter 1. The Patriot-in-Exile’s Infant Son
Chapter 2. The Nanjing Years and the Outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War
Chapter 3. Oh! My Grandmother

Part 2.
Our Nation’s Dream High in the Blue Sky

Chapter 4. The First Step toward Becoming a Pilot
Chapter 5. Rigorous Flight Training in America
Chapter 6. Dark Clouds over Our Nation’s Sky

Part 3.
The Tragedy of War and the Maelstrom of Revolution

Chapter 7. Entering the National Defense Guard and Serving in the Army Air Force
Chapter 8. What’s There to Say Now That You Are Gone?
Chapter 9. The Tragedy of Internecine War
Chapter 10. Making the Korean Air Force Proud
Chapter 11. My Service as the Air Force Chief of Staff and the May 16th Military Coup

Part 4.
Republic of Korea Ambassador to the Republic of China

Chapter 12. On both the Diplomatic Backstage and Frontstage
Chapter 13. Park Chung Hee and Chiang Kai-Shek
Chapter 14. Shin, You Are Korean Ambassador!

Part 5.
Reflections on Our Generation

Chapter 15. My Years as National Assemblyman and Minister of Transportation
Chapter 16. The Kim Koo Museum and Library
Chapter 17. The Establishment of Diplomatic Relation between Korea and China
Chapter 18. Publishing the Chinese Translation of Paikbum Ilj

Chronology of Kim Shin’s Life


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