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True Happines - Here And Now
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 10,000
USD 7.01
Author: Venerable Pomnyun Sunim
Publisher: JUNGTO
Pub. Date: Apr 2010
Pages: 113
Dimensions (in inches): 7.4 x 4.9 x 0.8
ISBN: 9788985961646
Language: English
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From the Translators
On Question-and-Answer Dharma Talk
I Get Easily Hurt and Shrink Away Because of the People Around Me.
I Can’t Stop Scolding My Son.
My Wife and I Are Often in Conflict Because We Practice Different Religions.
A Vivid Memory of My Violent Father Lingers Deep Within Me.
My Daughter Has a Physical Imperfection.
I Dislike a Coworker.
I Would Rather Be Alone.
I Am Depressed All the Time.
How Can We Plan Our Lives?
Will My Wish Be Fulfilled If I Do Prostrations Praying to the Buddha?
I Would Like to Quit My Job But...
I Simply Cannot Live With My Spouse Any Longer.

p32 Please keep practicing to accept things as they are. then , you will see the true nature of things and have a better understanding of what others tell you. (있는 그대로 보라)

p39 You become angry, distressed or sad because you cling to your opinion , your preference, and your way of thinking. you should let go of them.
(자신의 견해가 옳다는 것에 탐착하므로써 화가 생긴다는 내요)

p 43 When you put "I" into the center of your viewpoint and see things from this
you cannot avoid sufferings. this "I" is the cause of every suffering in your life.
(아상으로 인해 고통이 생긴다)

p69However, people tend to make judgement according to certain criteria and make comparisons , asserting one type of body is better or worse than the other. when we look at bodies from a different perspective, each body is simply unique and is neither inferior nor superior.
(본디 잘나고 못낫다 할 것이 없다)

p80 Many people want to do something very well from the beginning with very little effort. that is called "greed"
(적은 노력으로 성취하려는 것이 탐욕이다)    


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