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The Mirror of Zen: The Classic Guide to Buddhist Practice of Zen Master So Sahn
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 23,000
USD 16.12
Author: Boep Joeng
Publisher: Shambhala Pubns
Pub. Date: Dec 2006
Pages: 159
Dimensions (in inches): 8.4 x 5.6 x 0.4
ISBN: 9781590303849
Language: English
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------------Book Description-------------
The sacred radiance of our original nature never darkens.It has shined forth since beginningless time.Do you wish to enter the gate that leads to this?Simply do not give rise to conceptual thinking.

Zen Master So Sahn (1520–1604) is a towering figure in the history of Korean Zen. In this treasure-text, he presents in simple yet beautiful language the core principles and teachings of Zen. Each section opens with a quotation—drawn from classical scriptures, teachings, and anecdotes—followed by the author’s commentary and verse. Originally written in Chinese, the text was translated into Korean in the mid-twentieth century by the celebrated Korean monk Boep Joeng. An American Zen monk, Hyon Gak, has translated it into English.

------------Book Description-------------
The sacred radiance of our original nature never darkens.It has shined forth since beginningless time.Do you wish to enter the gate that leads to this?Simply do not give rise to conceptual thinking.

Zen Master So Sahn (1520–1604) is a towering figure in the history of Korean Zen. In this treasure-text, he presents in simple yet beautiful language the core principles and teachings of Zen. Each section opens with a quotation—drawn from classical scriptures, teachings, and anecdotes—followed by the author’s commentary and verse. Originally written in Chinese, the text was translated into Korean in the mid-twentieth century by the celebrated Korean monk Boep Joeng. An American Zen monk, Hyon Gak, has translated it into English.

The sacred radiance of our original nature never darkens.It has shined forth since beginningless time.Do you wish to enter the gate that leads to this?Simply do not give rise to conceptual thinking.

Zen Master So Sahn (1520–1604) is a towering figure in the history of Korean Zen. In this treasure-text, he presents in simple yet beautiful language the core principles and teachings of Zen. Each section opens with a quotation—drawn from classical scriptures, teachings, and anecdotes—followed by the author’s commentary and verse. Originally written in Chinese, the text was translated into Korean in the mid-twentieth century by the celebrated Korean monk Boep Joeng. An American Zen monk, Hyon Gak, has translated it into English


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