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Baduk, Made Fun and Easy1
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 12,000
USD 9.00
Author: Nam Chi-hyung
Publisher: EunHaengNaMu
Pub. Date: Oct. 2006
Pages: 223
Cover: Paperback
Dimensions (in inches): 8.81 x 5.98 x 0.55
ISBN: 9788956601670
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Baduk as a harmony, construction and an art In the world of games, where only a very few games successfully pass the test of time and are able to establish themselves beyond a single cultural region, Baduk is worthy of note for its perennial and widespread success. For more than 2,500 years, Baduk has meant so much more than just a game to many people; it is regarded as an art, science and even pedagogy in Korea, China and Japan, and has spread to the western world. Now, it offers not only entertainment and the thrill of competition, but it also provides a useful tool for studying human mental faculties and artificial intelligence.

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