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Korean Food 102
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 12,000
USD 8.34
Author: Adrianne M. Mascho
Publisher: Baramgil
Pub. Date: Feb 2018
Pages: 111
Dimensions (in inches): 8 x 7.9 x 0.3
ISBN: 9791196078621
Language: English
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GILL GOREY - Street Food
PO JAHNG MACHA - Eatin Food Stand
JEW JUM - Pub & Bar Food
SHEEk DAHNG - Restaurant
JUN MOON JUM - Specialty Restaurant
PYUN WEE JUM - Mini Mart
Ordering with Numbers
How to Order Stuff
Using Chapsticks.. and Spoon
Mool Sue Gun, Shin Bal(Hands and feet)
How to Use This Book
How to Say it

Gope Chong

If you haven’t eaten Gope Chong, specifically, Moe Doo (variety) Gope Chong, you haven’t lived.
That’s quite a powerful statement from a person who’s eaten pretty much every single Korean
food?ever. You might be a little suspicious about why I’m trying so hard to get you to try Gope
Chong, and why I haven’t yet described to you what it is, exactly. Allow me to tell you a little story,
entitled Gope Chong: The World of the 4th Meat.

This was your world. Your whole life you’d grown up knowing that there were only three kinds of
meat: red meat, white meat, and fish. Then one evening, after a round of Meck Jew (or three) your
friend says, “Come on, I know a place.” He leads you to a small street market you’d never noticed
before. “It’s called Gope Chong Goal Moke,” he says.

Past the fruit stand, the second in a row of tiny restaurants, you find yourself sitting in front of
a grill. “What’s that?” you ask. Your friend replies matter-of-factly, “That’s the 4th meat.” For a
moment, you don’t know what to do. You just sit there, staring, trying to comprehend what you’ve
just heard. “What? No! You’ve got to be kidding?there’s a 4th meat?” as you topple backward off
your plastic stool. “My whole life, I’ve only known and experienced three meats. How come nobody
ever told me about this 4th meat!?” you cry in disbelief. “Well,” says your friend, picking you up from
the heavily worn tiled floor, “I guess you’ve never lived in Korea.”


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