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Hangeul Master
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 19,000
USD 13.31
Author: TalkToMeInKorean(TTMIK)
Publisher: Longtail Books
Pub. Date: Apr. 2014
Pages: 160
Cover: Paperback
Dimensions (in inches): 10.03 x 7.40 x 0.39
ISBN: 9788956057194
Language: English
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Have you have ever struggled to read the titles of your favorite K-dramas because of the fancy font? Do you sometimes wonder what Korean handwriting says because you can’t entirely make out all the letters? Do you just want to learn to read and write Hangeul better? After studying with this book, you too will be a Hangeul Master! We cover all the Hangeul letters in detail and give you tips on how to easily read Korean handwriting or fonts.

This book has all the essentials to help you learn Hangeul, including a history of Hangeul, pronunciation and the stroke order of the 40 Hangeul letters, how letters are combined into syllables, and how to link sound together when speaking Korean. Free downloadable audio files are provided to help develop better pronunciation.
Throughout the book, there are “time-out” sections that serve as a short study break. These sections contain cultural tidbits and facts related to Korean, including “Abbreviations in Korean Slang”, “Chinese Characters in the Korean Language”, “When Do Koreans Learn Hangeul?”, and more.
Following the extensive coverage of Hangeul is a section which covers Korean Handwriting. Over 300 examples of handwritten Korean, provided by native Koreans, are introduced with tips, explanations, translations, and practice exercises to help learners develop the ability to efficiently read handwritten Korean.

Contents of the book:
- History of Hangeul
- Introduction To Hangeul
- Learn Hangeul
- Korean Handwriting Tips
- Practice Your Handwriting
- Korean Handwriting Quiz

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