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The Korean Language KLEAR-RILI Studies in Korean Language and Linguistics
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 25,000
USD 18.41
Author: Ho-Min Sohn
Publisher: Korea University Press
Pub. Date: Oct 2013
Pages: 466
Cover: Hardcover
ISBN: 9788976418289
Language: English
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This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the linguistics of Korean. It presents essential facts about the language: its speakers, its relation to other languages of the world, historical development, dialects (including the differences between South and North Korean), writing systems, the composition and structure of words, and sound patterns and syntax. It provides a wealth of examples and user-friendly descriptions that do not presuppose advanced knowledge of either linguistic theory or Korean on the part of the reader.


1. Introduction
1.1 Transcriptions
1.2 Speakers
1.3 Korean as a foreign language
1.4 Linguistic study of Korean
1.5 Salient features of Korean: an overview
1.5.1 Genetic affiliation and historical development
1.5.2 Dialectal variations
1.5.3 Korean vocabulary
1.5.4 Writing systems
1.5.5 The sound pattern
1.5.6 Agglutinative morphology
1.5.7 SOV syntax
1.5.8 Honorifics

2. Genetic affiliation
2.1 Prehistory of Korean
2.2 Altaic hypothesis
2.3 Austronesian and Dravidian hypotheses
2.4 Genetic linkage between Korean and Japanese

3. Historical development
3.1 Bird's-eye-view of Korean history
3.2 Evolvement of Korean
3.3 Prehistoric and Old Korean
3.4 Middle Korean
3.5 Modern and Contemporary Korean

4. Dialects
4.1 Dialectal zones
4.2 Representative isoglosses
4.2.1 Prosodemes: tones and vowel length
4.2.2 Reflexes of Middle Korean
4.2.3 Other vowel alternations
4.2.4 Reflexes of Middle Korean z
4.2.5 Reflexes of Middle Korean β
4.2.6 Word-medial k
4.2.7 Word-initial / and n
4.2.8 Palatalization
4.3 Hamkyeng zone
4.4 Phyengan zone
4.5 Central zone
4.6 Chwungcheng zone
4.7 Kyengsang zone
4.8 Cenla zone
4.9 Ceycwu zone
4.10 Linguistic divergence in South and North Korea
4.10.1 South Korean policies
4.10.2 North Korean policies
4.10.3 Areas of major linguistic divergence

5. Lexicon
5.1 Composition of the Korean lexicon
5.2 Native words
5.3 Sound symbolism
5.4 Sino-Korean words
5.5 Loan words

6. Writing systems
6.1 Chinese characters
6.1.1 Introduction of Chinese characters
6.1.2 Sino-Korean pronunciation
6.2 The Itwu (Clerk Reading) script
6.3 Hankul: the Korean alphabet
6.3.1 Creation of Hankul
6.3.2 Early literature in Hankul
6.3.3 Hankul in current use
6.3.4 Spelling conventions
6.4 Mixed use of Hankul and Chinese characters
6.5 Orthographic divergence in South and North Korea
6.6 Romanization

7. Sound patterns
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Speech sounds
7.2.1 Consonants
7.2.2 Vowels
7.2.3 Semivowels (glides)
7.3 Sound combination
7.3.1 Syllable structure
7.3.2 Sequential constraints
7.4 Sound alternations
7.4.1 Automatic vs. non-automatic alternation
7.4.2 Automatic sound alternations
7.4.3 Non-automatic sound alternations
7.5 Rhythmic patterns
7.5.1 Length, stress, pitch
7.5.2 Intonation contours
7.5.3 Tones in the Kyengsang dialect

8. Word structure
8.1 Word categories
8.1.1 Classification
8.1.2 Nouns
8.1.3 Pronouns
8.1.4 Numerals
8.1.5 Verbs
8.1.6 Adjectives
8.1.7 Determiners
8.1.8 Adverbs
8.1.9 Particles
8.2 Affixation
8.2.1 Affixes, stems, and roots
8.2.2 Derivation and inflection
8.2.3 Native and Sino-Korean affixes
8.3 Derivational morphology
8.3.1 Noun derivation
8.3.2 Verb derivation
8.3.3 Adjective derivation
8.3.4 Adverb derivation
8.3.5 Determiner derivation
8.4 Inflectional morphology
8.4.1 Inflectional categories
8.4.2 Non-terminal suffixes
8.4.3 Sentence enders
8.4.4 Embedded-clause enders
8.4.5 Irregular predicates
8.5 Compounding
8.5.1 General properties
8.5.2 Compound nouns
8.5.3 Compound pronouns
8.5.4 Compound numerals
8.5.5 Compound verbs
8.5.6 Compound adjectives
8.5.7 Compound determiners
8.5.8 Compound adverbs
8.5.9 Compound particles
8.6 Abbreviation
8.7 Grammaticalization

9. Grammatical structure
9.1 Structural essentials
9.2 Sentence types
9.2.1 Declarative, interrogative, propositive, and imperative
9.2.2 Verbs and adjectives
9.2.3 Verb sentences
9.2.4 Adjective sentences
9.2.5 Transtivity
9.2.6 Topic-stacking sentences
9.2.7 Subjectless sentences
9.2.8 Word order
9.3 Syntactic relations
9.4 Embedded clauses
9.4.1 Types of embedding
9.4.2 Conjunctive constructions
9.4.3 Relative clause constructions
9.4.4 Complement clause constructions
9.4.5 Nominalized constructions
9.4.6 Quotative constructions
9.5 Case marking
9.5.1 Syntactic cases: nominative, accusative, and genitive
9.5.2 Dative, locative, goal, and source
9.5.3 Directional, instrumental, and function
9.5.4 Ablative
9.5.5 Comitative and connective
9.5.6 Comparative
9.5.7 Vocative
9.5.8 Case-particle stacking
9.6 Delimiter constructions
9.6.1 Constituent delimiters
9.6.2 Sentential delimiters
9.7 Numeral constructions
9.7.1 Time expressions
9.7.2 Ordinals, frequency, and number
9.7.3 Classifier constructions
9.8 Modality and tense-aspect
9.8.1 Sentence enders
9.8.2 Mood: indicative, retrospective, requestive, and suppositive
9.8.3 Modal elements: -keyss and -(u)l(i)
9.8.4 Tense and aspect
9.9 Passive and causative constructions
9.9.1 Passive sentences
9.9.2 Causative sentences
9.10 Complex predicate constructions
9.10.1 Relative complex predicates
9.10.2 Serial predicate constructions
9.10.3 Auxiliary predicate constructions
9.11 Negation
9.11.1 Sentential negation
9.11.2 Constituent negation
9.11.3 Double negation and rhetorical negation
9.12 Adverbial constructions
9.12.1 Attributive adverbials: time, place, manner, and degree
9.12.2 Modal averbials
9.12.3 Nominal-modifying adverbials
9.12.4 Conjunctive adverbials
9.12.5 Discoursal adverbials
9.13 Reduction phenomena
9.13.1 Ellipsis
9.13.2 Gapping
9.13.3 Omission
9.13.4 Pro-replacement
9.13.5 Reflexivization
9.14 Honorifics and politeness strategies
9.14.1 Lexico-suffixal patterns of honorifics
9.14.2 Syntactic patterns of honorifics
9.14.3 Strategic politeness expressions

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