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Trade Winds of Change: Korea in World Trade
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 15,000
USD 10.42
Author: Chulsu Kim
Publisher: G-world
Pub. Date: Apr.2014
Pages: 650
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 6.29 x 9.17 x 0.90
ISBN: 9788964498460
Language: English
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Chapter 1 Competition, Cooperation and International Trade
1. Competition and Cooperation in the 21st Century
2. World Economy: Where’s the Competitive Edge?
3. Six Steps to Unthether Trade
4. Trade Winds of Change
5. International Cooperation for the Semiconductor Industry in the 21st Century

Chapter 2 Trade, Intellectual Property and Development
1. Korean Model of Economic Development
2. Energy and Economic Development
3. Recent Developments in Korea’s Intellectual Property Rights Protection
4. Integrating Intellectual Property into the National Development Policy: the Korean Experience

Chapter 3 The Evolution of Korea’s Trade Policies
1. Korea’s Trade and Industrial Policy
2. Korea’s Experience in Trade Expansion and Growth
3. Korea’s Accession to the GATT
4. Korea in the Uruguay Round

Chapter 4 Korea’s Trade Relations with the United States
1. Korea’s Trade Policy and the Korea-U.S. Trading Relationship
2. Major Issues in U.S.- Korea Trade: A Korean Perspective
3. Super 301 and the World Trading System: A Korean View
4. The Present and Future of Korea-U.S. Economic Relations
5. The Next Step in U.S.-Korean Relations
6. Korea-U.S. Industrial Alliance in the Changing Global Economic Order
7. U.S.-Korean Future Relations in the Emerging Trade Order
8. Acceptance Remarks
9. Surmounting South Korea’s Domestic Opposition to the FTA
10. Acceptance Speech

Chapter 5 Korea’s Trade Relations with China
1. Trade and Investment between Korea and China
2. China Vis-a-Vis the World Trading System
3. How Asia Feels About China’s Entry into the WTO
4. China’s Relation to the Rest of the World and Challenges at Home
5. China’s Market-Opening Policies and the World: Perceptions and Expectations 6. China at Ten in the WTO

Chapter 6 Korea ’s Relations with Other Major Trading Partners
1. The Future of Korean-Japanese Economic Relations
2. EC-Korea Trade Relations: A Growing Partnership
3. The Future of Korean-Indian Economic Relations
4. Korea’s Expanding Economic Ties with Italy
5. Korea’s Economic Outlook and Korea-Finland Economic Relations
6. Korea-Australia Economic Cooperation in the Age of East Asia
7. The Future of Economic Partnership between Korea and Mexico
8. France and Korea: Opportunities for a Prosperous Future

Chapter 7 Asia in the World Trading System
1. Northeast Asia and the U.S. Business
2. Freer Business Environment for Sustained Regional Dynamism
3. East Asia in the Emerging World Trading Order
4. Asia-Pacific and the Multilateral Trading System
5. East Asia in World Trade
6. Outlook for Asian Economices in the Year 2003
7. Northeast Asian Economy in the Globalizing World
8. East Asian Regionalism: Present Status and Future Prospects
9. East Asia in WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism
10. Finding New Sources of Growth in East Asia

Chapter 8 The Regional Trade Cooperation in East Asia
1. Institutionalizing Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation: Rationale, Goals and Modalities
2. Economic and Political Integration of Asia and the Americas: Goal or Folly?
3. The New WTO: Prospects and Challenges in Relation to the Future of APEC and Other Regional Agreements
4. The Korea-Japan FTA
5. The Korea-Chile Free Trade Agreement and Korea’s FTA Policy
6. Korea’s FTA Initiatives
7. East Asian Free Trade Area (EAFTA): A View on Membership and Modalities 8. Beyond EAFTA, CEPEA and FTAAP: an ASEM FTA?
9. The Next Step in East Asian Economic Integration
10. Korea’s FTA Policy 462
11. New Opportunities for Advancing Regional Economic Integration in East Asia 12. Future Prospects for FTAs in the Asia-Pacific Region

Chapter 9 WTO: Achievements and Challenges
1. The Priorities for the WTO
2. New Issues for the Multilateral Trading System : The Current State of Play and Future Prospects
3. New Issues for the Multilateral Trading System : Singapore and Beyond
4. The WTO - The Balance Sheet So Far
5. A WTO Perspective:Where Now? Expanding the Boundaries of the WTO:The Millennium Round
6. Restoring Momentum to the Multilateral System
7. Is the Doha Still Doable?
8. Financial Crisis, Doha Round and the Multilateral Trading System

Chapter 10 WTO Rules and the Multilateral Trading System
1. Integrating Russia into the Global Trading Community
2. In Search of an Economic Identity: The Region’s Role in the Global Economy
3. Indian Economic Reforms and the WTO
4. Issues in the Negotiations on China’s Accession to the WTO System
5. Textiles and Clothing in the WTO
6. Regionalism: Agenda for the WTO
7. International Standardization and International Trade
8. Multilateral Trading System and Developing Economies
9. The Multilateral Trading System and Sustainable Development
10. Dismantling Discrimination against Labor-intensive Manufactures and the Reform of the WTO Escape Clauses

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