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The Crisis of Civilization and Asian Response
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 75,000
USD 52.11
Author: Ynhui Park
Publisher: SNU Press
Pub. Date: May. 2012
Pages: 282
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 9.13 x 6.38 x 0.78
ISBN: 9788952113122
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This book, by the noted philosopher Ynhui Park, offers his bold reflections on critical problems confronting contemporary civilization, and his recommended solutions to these problems.

He counsels us not to abandon scientific rationality, but rather to embed it within the philosophical framework of traditional Asian culture, thus replacing Western anthropocentric dualism with Asian ecocentric monism. Such monism promotes a humanistic, holistic education, giving a prominent role to poetry, literature and the arts, along with science, in the global world of the future.

Integration of these diverse elements portends an expanded conception of aesthetic sensibility, looking ultimately toward the transfiguration of the world itself into artwork.

There is much to ponder in these challenging and wide-ranging reflections of the author, a wise and sensitive observer of what he designates as the crisis of civilization and much to be learned from his prescriptions for a securer and happier future.


Isrel Scheffler,


Professor of Education and Philosophy Emeritus

Harvard University




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