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Financial Sector Reform in Transition Economies: Implications for North Korea
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 35,000
USD 24.32
Author: Byung-yeon Kim
Publisher: Seoul National University Press
Pub. Date: Sep. 2009
Pages: 320
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 8.66 x 5.82 x 1.8
ISBN: 9788952110640
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Part I. Lessons from Transition Economies

1. Selected Lessons from the Transformation of the Financial Systems of Central and Eastern Europe

Millard Long

2. Monetary and Fiscal Policy from Transition to EU Integration: A Comparative Assessment

George Kopits

3. Learning from the Chinese Experience

Cheng-Hoon Lim, Ashok Bhatia and Laura Papi

Part II. The Role of Central Banks and Financial Institutions

4. Central Banking Reform in Transition Economies: Issues and Lessons from Past Experiences

Tom?s J. Bali?o and V. Sundararajan

5. Promoting Corporate and Banking Sector Restructuring: The Role of Capital Markets

Ceyla Pazarbasioglu

6. The Role of a Promotional Bank in Transition Economies

Norbert Irsch and Christian Hornberg

7. How Sustainable is Chinese Monetary Policy? A Look at External Flows

Jonathan Anderson

Part III. Spotlight on North Korea: Issues to Consider in the Transition Process

8. The Financial System of North Korea: A Comparative Perspective

Byung-Yeon Kim

9. The Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes in Transition Economies: Lessons for North Korea

Goo-Hoon Kwon

10. Currency Conversion during the Period of Transition: The Case of North Korea.

Yeong-Seop Rhee


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