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Science-Religion Dialogue in Korea (Korean Studies Series No.42)
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 25,000
USD 17.38
Author: Amos Kisuk Kim
Publisher: Jimoondang
Pub. Date: Aug. 2009
Pages: 315
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 9.25 x 6.4 x 0.75
ISBN: 9788962970104
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Chapter I. Introduction 
1.1. Motive of Research 
1.2. Purpose and Aims of Research 
1.3. Methodology 
1.3.1. Comparative Research 
1.3.2. Reasons for Selecting the Two Theologians 
1.3.3. Primary Source and Romanisation of Korean Works 
1.3.4. Presuppositions 
1.4. Scope and Limitations 
1.5. Structure of Thesis 

Chapter II. Science and Religion in the Context of Korea 
2.1. Introduction 
2.2. Typology of the Relationship between Science and Religion 
2.3. Science and Religion in Korea 
2.3.1. Science in Korea 
2.3.2. Religion in Korea 
2.4. Fieldwork on Science and Religion in Korea 
2.4.1. Aims of Survey 
2.4.2. Method of Survey 
2.4.3. Summary of Results 
2.4.4. Conclusions 
2.5. Relationship between Science and Religion in Korea 
2.5.1. Conflict 
2.5.2. Independence 
2.5.3. Dialogue 
2.5.4. Integration 
2.6. Conclusion 

Chapter III. John Polkinghornes Revised Natural Theology 
3.1. Introduction 
3.2. Becoming a Scientist-Theologian 
3.3. Motivation: Presenting a Revised Form of Natural Theology 
3.4. Bottom-up thinking 
3.5. Critical Realism 
3.5.1. Models in Epistemology 
3.5.2. Critical Realism in Science 
3.5.3. Critical Realism in Science and Theology 
3.5.4. Science and Theology 
3.5.5. Review 
3.6. Anthropic Principle 
3.6.1. Big Bang Cosmology 
3.6.2. Fine Tuning of the Universe 
3.6.3. Two Versions of Anthropic Principle 
3.6.4. Theological Discussions 
3.6.5. Review 
3.7. Divine Activity 
3.7.1. Quest on Divine Activity 
3.7.2. Proposals of Divine Agency 
3.7.3. Unpredictability in the Physical World 
3.7.4. Top-Down Causality through Active Information 
3.7.5. Review 
3.8. Conclusion 

Chapter IV. Lee Jung-Baes Korean Life Theology 
4.1. Introduction 
4.2. Becoming a Life Theologian 
4.3. Motivations 
4.4. Methodology 
4.4.1. Korean Indigenous Theology 
4.4.2. Definition of Indigenisation of Theology 
4.4.3. Problems in Indigenisation of Theology 
4.4.4. Models of Indigenisation of Theology 
4.4.5. Searching for Korean Religio-Cultural Subjectivity 
4.5. Jigiron and Theological Implication 
4.5.1. Jigiron and Korean Understanding of God 
4.5.2. Jigiron and View of Nature 
4.5.3. Jigiron and Panentheism 
4.5.4. Jigiron and Humanity (Shinto-Bulee) 
4.5.5. Jigiron and Pneumatology 
4.5.6. Review 
4.6. New Age Spirituality and Paradigm Shift of Theology 
4.6.1. Paradigm Shift in Science and Theology 
4.6.2. Living Universe and Theological Implication 
4.6.3. Review 
4.7. Conclusion 

Chapter V. Comparison of Contexts and Methodologies 
5.1. Introduction 
5.2. Context and Perspective 
5.3. Motivation and Discourse 
5.4. Comparison of Methodologies 
5.4.1. Criticism of Bottom-up thinking 
5.4.2. Criticism of Cultural-Contextual Theology 
5.4.3. Critical Realism and Contextual Perspective 
5.4.4. Epistemological and Cultural-Contextual Theology 
5.5. Reality of Ch'i and Critical Realism 
5.5.1. Significance of Research 
5.5.2. Theological Discussions on Ch'i 
5.5.3. Popularity of Ch'i worldview in East Asian Culture 
5.5.4. Difficulty in Definition of Ch'i 
5.5.5. Modern Science and Ch'i 
5.5.6. Critical Realism and Theological Adequacy of Jigi 
5.6. Conclusion 

Chapter VI. Dialogue on God, Humanity and the Cosmos 
6.1. Introduction 
6.2. Big Bang, Ch'i Cosmology and Belief in Creation 
6.2.1. Big Bang Cosmology and Belief in Creation 
6.2.2. Creation and Ch'i Cosmology 
6.2.3. Comparison and Suggestion 
6.3. God and World Relationship 
6.3.1. Transcendence of God 
6.3.2. Immanence of God 
6.3.3. Comparison and Suggestion 
6.4. Humanity 
6.4.1. Dual-aspect Monism 
6.4.2. Humanity in Ch'i Philosophy 
6.4.3. Comparison and Suggestion 
6.5. Ecological Issues 
6.5.1. Interconnectness of The Universe 
6.5.2. Interdependence of Life 
6.5.3. Genetic Engineering 
6.5.4. Environmental Crisis 
6.6. Conclusion 

Chapter VII. Conclusion 


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