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Masters of Traditional Korean Handicrafts
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 50,000
USD 34.81
Author: The Korea Foundation
Publisher: The Korea Foundation
Pub. Date: Aug. 2009
Pages: 176
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 9.76 x 7.76 x 0.75
ISBN: 9788986090321
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The Korea Foundation has recently published "Masters of Traditional Korean Handicrafts," the first volume of our Selections from Koreana series, which seeks to introduce various aspects of the culture and arts, lifestyle, and traditions of Korea and its people. 

"Masters of Traditional Korean Handicrafts," a compilation of the regular Artisan section of Koreana (2000-2008), offers a glimpse of Korea's foremost handicraft artisans, who have been designated as cultural treasures, and examples of their masterful works in such areas as wood, bamboo, fabric, and metal crafts. Of particular note, in addition to being handmade works of art of exquisite craftsmanship, the items are also everyday articles with practical uses. As such, these stories provide considerable insight into the cultural traditions and lifestyle of the people of Korea. 

The Korea Foundation thus hopes that this volume can serve as a useful reference and information resource for readers with an interest in Korea and for learning about the richness of its cultural heritage. 

Also, the book is a memorable souvenir for visitors to Korea and an ideal gift item for anyone who would like to share their appreciation of Korean culture with family and friends.

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