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The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots 25: Traditional Korean Villages
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 15,000
USD 10.44
Author: Oh Hong-seok
Publisher: Ewha Womans University Press
Pub. Date: Mar. 2009
Pages: 172
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 7.4 x 5.12 x 0.71
ISBN: 9788973007844
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[Ewha Womans University Press]
The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots 10: ..
KRW 15,000
USD 10.44
[Ewha Womans University Press]
The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots 2: N..
KRW 15,000
USD 10.44
[Ewha Womans University Press]
The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots 3: R..
KRW 15,000
USD 10.44
[Ewha Womans University Press]
The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots 5: S..
KRW 15,000
USD 10.44
[Ewha Womans University Press]
The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots 6: T..
KRW 15,000
USD 10.44


Ⅰ. Old Capitals 
Gyeongju, Silla Kingdom 
Capital of Baekje Kingdom 
Gaeseong and Traditional Village, Goryeo Dynasty 
Hanyang, Joseon Dynasty 

II. Seoul and Neighboring Areas 
Detached Palaces 
Division into North and South Villages 
Jongmyo Village and Sajikdan 
Seonggyungwan and Scholars’ Village 
Grave Keepers’ Villages 

III. Fortress Villages and Surrounds 
Regional Fortress Villages 
Confucian Villages 
Ruling Class Villages 
Middle Class and Poor Villages 

IV. Transportation and Military Functions 
Ferry Crossings and Port Villages 
Travel Inn Villages 
Mountain Fortresses and Barracks Villages 
Villages around Pavilions and Playgrounds 

V. Memorial Rites and Religious Functions 
Shrine Villages 
Villages around Shrines to Human Idols 
Temple Villages 

VI. Village Locations 
Farming Villages on Flat Land 
Mountain Villages on High Land 
Fishing Villages on the Coast 
Island Villages

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