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Hangeul: The Korean Alphabet -The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots 30
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 15,000
USD 10.94
Author: Park Chang-won /
Publisher: ehwa univ.
Pub. Date: Aug 2015
Pages: 198
ISBN: 9791185909684
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경남 고성 출생.

서울대학교 국어국문학과를 졸업하고 동 대학원에서 석사·박사학위 취득.

경남대학교·인하대학교를 거쳐 현재 이화여자대학교 국어국문학전공 교수로 재직 중.

국립국어연구원 어문규범연구부장, 한국어세계화재단 운영이사, 문화체육관광부 국어심의위 윈, 전국국어문화원연합회 회장, 국어학회 회장, 한국어문학학술단체연합회 공동대표 역임.



『중세국어 자음 연구』(1996)

『언어와 여성의 사회적 위치』(1999)

『고대국어음운 1』(2002)

『국어음운 연구사 1』(2002)

『언어의 이론과 분석』(2002)

『남북의 언어와 한국어 교육』(2003)


『한·영·일 음운대비』(2006)

『한국어의 정비와 세계화 1』(2009)


『한국어의 표기와 발음』(2012)

이외에 음운론과 응용국어학에 관한 100여 편의 논문이 있다.


Park Chang-won


Born in Goseong, Gyeongsangnam-do Province

Received Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctor’s degrees from the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Seoul National University

Taught at Kyungnam University and Inha University

Currently professor of the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Ewha Womans University

Served as Head of the Language Research Division at the National Institute of the Korean Language, Managing Director of the International Korean Language Foundation, Member of the Korean Language Review Committee of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Chairman of the Association of Korean Language and Culture Centers, Chairman of the Society of Korean Linguistics, and Co-President of the Federation of Korean Language and Literature Associations



Study on Korean Consonants of the Middle Ages, 1996

Language and the Social Status of Women, 1999

Ancient Korean Phonemes 1, 2002

History of Research on Korean Phonemes, 2002

Language Theory and Analysis, 2002

Language of South and North Korea and Korean Language Education, 2003

Hunmin jeongeum, 2005

Comparison of Korean, English and Japanese Phonemes, 2006

Refining Korean and Globalization of the Language 1, 2009

The Hangeul Museum, 2011

Orthography and Pronunciation of Korean, 2012

Over 100 theses on phonology and applied Korean language studies


Cho Yoon-jung

Cho Yoon-jung grew up in Australia and studied architecture at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. She now lectures at the Graduate School of Translation

and Interpretation, Ewha Womans University.


Han Mi-sun

Han Mi-sun is a professional translator and lecturer at the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation of Ewha Womans University, where she received her Ph.D. in Translation Studies.







I. What is Hangeul?

1. A Writing System Invented by Koreans

2. Treasure of Human Culture


Ⅱ. Creation of the Hunmin jeongeum

1. Background to the Creation of Hangeul

2. King Sejong, Creator of Hangeul

3. Composition and Content of the Hunmin jeongeum Manuscript


Ⅲ. Dissemination and Spread of Hangeul

1. Dissemination of Hangeul

2. Hangeul-related Cultural Heritage

3. Spread of Hangeul in Everyday Life


Ⅳ. Reform and Challenges in the Use of Written and Spoken Language

1. Internal and External Circumstances in Late Joseon

2. Drastic Changes in Literacy in Daily Life

3. Fall of the Nation and Crisis of Hangeul


Ⅴ. Hangeul in the World

1. Birth of a New Korea

2. Hangeul Museums

3. Why the World Admires Hangeul





<The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots> Series

1. A Brief History of Korea

2. Norigae: Splender of the Korean Costume

3. Roofs and Lines

4. Windows and Doors

5. Stone, Walls and Paths

6. The Traditional Space

7. Floral Lattices, Columns and Pavilions

8. Korean Dance

9. The Poetic World of Classic Korean

Women Writers

10. Korean Mask Dance

11. The Traditional Education of Korea

12. Folk-religion

13. Money

14. Pottery

15. The Traditional Ships of Korea


16. Korean Travel Literature

17. Markets

18. Dining Tables

19. Interior Space and Furniture of

Joseon Upper-class Houses

20. Modes of Transportation

21. Buddhism

22. Astronomy

24. Festive Occasions

25. Traditional Korean Villages

26. Classical Poetic Songs of Korea

27. Traditional Korean Painting

28. Kimchi

29. Korean Genealogical Records

30. Hangeul: The Korean Alphabet




<우리 문화의 뿌리를 찾아서> 시리즈란?

‘우리 문화의 뿌리를 찾아서’ 시리즈는 우리 문화의 근원을 탐색하고 그 특성을 파악하는 작업의 일환으로 기획되었다. 2005년부터 출간되기 시작한 이 시리즈는 일반인들이 우리 문화를 깊이 있게 이해할 수 있도록 문학·사상·음악·미술·공예·가구·음식·건축·놀이 등 한국 전통 문화의 거의 모든 분야의 요소들을 하나의 주제로 하여 자세히 살펴보고 있다. 또한 풍부한 시각적 자료들을 위주로 한 구성으로 독자들에게 친근하게 다가갈 수 있도록 했다. 영문판으로도 출간되는 이 시리즈는 한국의 전통 문화를 세계화하는 데 일조할 것으로 기대된다.


The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots

“The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots” is a bilingual project aimed at explaining the origin and evolution of Korean culture in a series of compact books. The series, published in Korean and English, began in 2005. Among the topics covered so far are literature, history, music, fine arts, handicrafts, furniture, food, costumes, architecture and theater. A rich assortment of visual material accompanies each comprehensive survey, making the subjects more accessible to general readers. The English editions are significantly contributing to international understanding of Korean culture.


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