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Contemporary Korean Theater : Beyond Tradition and Modernization
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 10,000
USD 7.01
Author: Kim Bang Ock
Publisher: Hollym
Pub. Date: Oct 2014
Pages: 168
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 5.9 x 8.85 x 0.5
ISBN: 9781565913431
Language: English
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The 1970s in Korea were times to begin to see the establishment of Korean theater’s identity and development of contemporary characteristics in terms of theatrical aesthetics. This book examines Korean theater from the 1970s up to the present. The focus of this volume attempts to examine original Korean plays written and staged by Koreans, as opposed to translated works. This book opts to illustrate the narrative of contemporary Korean theater based on each decade from the 1970s to 2000s. It is because in consideration of the phases of change with regard to theater or sociocultural aspects in Korea, which shows natural demarcation by each decade.

Korean theatre prior to the 1970s is outlined in chapter one. Real theater culture in the Western sense began in Korea towards the end of the 19th century, and Korean theater up until the 1960s largely revolved around the imports and imitation of modern plays from the West. In chapter two deals with Korean theater in 1970s. The 1970s were a period featuring the recovery of theatrical identity and enthusiasm for experimental styles. Modernization of tradition is a recurring theme for contemporary theater in Korea this time. The chapter three deals with 1980’s Korean theaters as a symbol of political resistance which engulfed in the anti-dictatorship movement. The chapter four introduces Korean theater of the 1990s which embroiled into the waves of postmodernism: the sense of liberation in sensual images and deconstructive wit, body and object. In chapter five is about the plays that returned to the fundamentals of language and text emerged on the stage to depict daily life in the smallest details.


01 Korean Theater Prior to the 1970s 1970년대 이전의 한국 연극

02 Modernization of Tradition and Introduction of Western Experimental Theater in the 1970s 전통의 현대화와 서구 실험극의 소개: 1970년대
- Yu Deok-hyeong: A Pioneer of Contemporary Korean Theater at Drama Center
드라마센터의 총체적 실험극: 유덕형의 〈초분〉
- Ahn Min-soo: Encounter of Traditional Asian Theater and Theater of Cruelty
동양 전통 연극과 잔혹극의 만남: 안민수의 〈태〉, 〈하멸태자〉
- Oh Tae-suk: Moli?re Revived in the Traditional Korean Performing Arts
몰리에르와 한국 전통연희의 만남: 오태석의 〈쇠뚝이 놀이〉
- Succession of Traditional Performing Arts as Political Satir
전통연희의 계승과 정치풍자로서의 마당극
- Theatre Group Minye’s Adoption of Tradition 극단 민예의 전통의 수용과 아나크로니즘
- Non-realistic Playwrights 빼어난 비사실주의적 극작가들: 최인훈, 이현화, 이강백

03 Resurgence of Original Korean Theater and Madanggeuk in Anti-Dictatorship Activism in the 1980s 창작극들의 분발과 반독재투쟁의 마당극: 1980년대
- Madanggeuk Going Indoors 실내로 들어간 마당극: 연우무대의 정치풍자극들
- The Korean Theater Festival 대한민국 연극제 희곡들: 윤조병, 이강백, 윤대성
- Launch of Mokwha Repertory Company by Oh Tae-suk 오태석의 극단 목화의 출범
- Jayu Theater Company: Display of Traditional Korean Beauty toward the World 세계를 향한 한극 전통미의 과시: 극단 자유
- Michoo Theatre Company: Modernization of Traditional Performing Arts 전통연희의 동시대화: 손진책의 극단 미추
- Ki Kook-seo’s Hamlet Series 기국서의 햄릿 시리즈
- Introduction of Foreign Theater Productions and Diversification of Korean Plays 해외 연극의 소개와 연극의 다변화

04 Postmodernist Spectacle and the Emergence of Young Directors in the 1990s
포스트모던한 스펙터클과 젊은 연출가들의 부상: 1990년대
- Lee Youn-taek: A Powerless Intellectual and a Showman on the Stage
이윤택: 무력한 지식인, 무대의 흥행사
- Chae Seung-hun: Insanity of Death in the Criticism towards Civilization
채승훈: 죽음의 광기와 문명 비판
- Choi Yong-hun’s Theater Company ZakEunShinHwa: Exhilarating Satire through Collective Creation 최용훈의 극단 작은신화: 집단창작을 통한 경쾌한 사회 풍자
- Cho Kwang-hwa: The Patriarchal System and the Opressed Sexual Energy
조광화: 가부장제의 억압과 성적 에너지
- Kim Ara: A Glamorous Stylist amid Nature 김아라: 자연 속의 화려한 스타일리스트
- Oh Tae-suk: Expos? on the Inhumanity of Korean Society 오태석: 비인간적 한국사회에 대한 고발
- Sohn Jin-chaek: National Consciousness and Advanced Theatrical Aesthetics
손진책: 민족의식과 첨단적 연극미학
- Ki Kook-seo: Scumbags of Postmodernist Society 기국서: 포스트모던 사회의 쓰레기들

05 Appreciation of New Everyday Life and the Search for Alternatives since the 2000s
새로운 일상과 대안 모색
- Park Keun-hyeong: Cracks underneath the Surface of Ordinary Life 박근형: 일상적 표면 밑의 균열
- Han Tae-sook: Mise-en-sc?ne of Dark Desire 한태숙: 어두운 욕망의 미장센
- Choi ZinA: A Woman as the Subject of Desire 최진아: 욕망의 주체로서 여성
- Bae Sam-sik: Contemplation on Ecological Life 배삼식: 생태적 삶에 관한 사유
- Oh Tae-suk: From Rage and Nightmares to Reconciliation and Life
오태석: 분노와 악몽으로부터 화해와 생명으로
- Lee Youn-taek: Renewed Interpretation of Koreans throughout History
이윤택: 역사 속 한국인들의 재조명
- Yang Jeong-woong: A Traveler of the Global Age 양정웅: 글로벌 시대의 여행자

06 Epilogue


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