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Korea Art Brut
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 30,000
USD 21.02
Author: Tong Won Kim
Publisher: SKKUP
Pub. Date: Jan. 2012
Pages: 250
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 7.67 x 9.25 x 0.86
ISBN: 9788979868869
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This book is a collection of 340 works of art by the mentally challenged, who possess pure and unique artistic value as a flower blooming even through the pain.

Art Brut, defined by the French painter, Jean Dubuffet, at the end of World War II, refers to art in rough form in the paintings of the mentally challenged, prisoners and children. Art Brut is also called Outsider Art or Borderline Art in the U.S. and Proto-Art in China.

The artistry of Art Brut relies on the sense of lunacy that appears in some of Vincent Van Gogh's works. It can be argued that the works of most Art Brut artists are expressed in terms of psychopathological energy, and the public can get a sense of their unique psychological world. The works of Art Brut carry an air of mystery beyond mere surrealism or abstractionism.

Including the Art Brut Art Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland, most of the advanced countries, such as the U.S., France, etc. have exclusive Art Brut Art Museums from decades ago and schedule active artistic activities with various exhibitions.

The book Korea Art Brut, published in English and French, by a nonprofit organization and social enterprise, currently assisted by the Korean government-affiliated Arts Council Korea, includes 340 works of art of 21artists, including Young-ae JU, Jeong-myung KIM and Yong-an KIM. 


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