Jinyoung Anna Jin
Art, War, and Exile in
Modern Korea
Rethinking the Life and Work of Lee Qoede
This bookcelebrates thelifeand worksof Lee Qoede
(1913–1965), whofocused on artʼs social purposeand
representation of civilians. He believed “art must bean
integral partof thestrugglein reality. Itcannot simply
beastill-lifeof apples, flowers,or scenery.”
Born in South Korea, he was a prisonerof war,
defected to North Korea, was politically purged, and
died at fifty-two. His works were banned in South
Korea until 1988.
This monograph explores his art within Cold War
politics, including hisexperiencesof civilian
massacres, POWcamps, and his defection to North
Korea. Itexamines social realism, socialist realism,
and Mexican mural influenceson Leeʼs œuvre,
reevaluating his placein South Korean art history.
Highlightingtheglobal impactof Leeʼs work, the book
integrates insights from international artists and
movements, challenging Eurocentric modernism and
offeringacomprehensive understandingof his artistic
Jinyoung AnnaJin, PhD., is the Directorof Asian Art
and Cultureat the Charles B. Wang Center atStony
Brook Universityand has served on thecommunity
advisory board for PBS Thirteen/WLIWsince2016.
www.thewangcenter.org “Jin's scholarship represents a significant advancement
in the field, as she expands upon existing scholarship by
illuminating the connections between Lee Qoede's
artistic oeuvre and the Mexican Mural art movement. Her
innovative approach and in-depth research of this lesserknown field fill a critical gap in our understanding of
modern Korean art and provide valuable insights into the
broader cultural exchanges that shaped the Korean
artistic landscape of the early 20th century.”
Jiyeon Kim, Curator of Korean Art, Peabody Essex
Listof Illustrations
Listof Abbreviations
Historical Timeline
Noteson Language
Chapter 1. Unraveling Lee Qoedeʼs Journey: Korean Political Violenceand Defection
Chapter 2. Rethinking Lee Qoede: New Perspectives
Chapter 3. Empoweringthe Masses: Lee Qoedeʼs Art for the People
Chapter 4. Witnessing History Through Art: Visual Narrativesof Atrocities Photographic Truth
Chapter 5. The Artof the Mural
Listof Publications by Lee Qoedeand Lee Yeoseong
Index |