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The Story of Kimchi
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 18,000
USD 12.53
Pub. Date: Sep 2014
Pages: 104
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 6 x 8 x
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About ‘The Story of Kimchi’


‘The Story of Kimchi’ is a love story. In the story, you can see a mother’s love, feel the power of community, brotherhood, the love between a man and a woman, and the love and respect of one’s neighbors. It is hopeful that anyone who has read the story will think of the true meaning of love whenever kimchi is eaten. I am launching a campaign called “We are the Kimchi Family” to connect the world to the orphans and disadvantaged children who face life’s many challenges. (I also plan to visit them and share The Story of Kimchi and leave them with some books.) Of course, the book will also include the recipe and directions for making Kimchi. Kimchi will become the “wisdom food” that teaches us how to truly love one another.



About the Author


Seung Ah Kim is Korea's first contemporary professional storyteller and the founder of Arirang Storytelling in memory of her grandmother. Inspired by the folk tales her grandmother told her as a child, Seung Ah tells Korean folk tales in a dynamic and interactive way that engages audiences of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities. Arirang Storytelling Concert reflects Seung Ah's dedication to, and enthusiasm for, Korean traditional stories and storytelling styles. She has been on a K-Storytelling World Tour to share Korean stories and culture with one million people around the world. She has performed in Canada, USA, Singapore, Italy, Greece, Malaysia, Kenya, Indonesia, Iran, Taiwan, India, UAE, Thailand, Scotland, England, the Philippines, Australia, and Rwanda.





“When I first met Seung Ah, she had recently arrived in Canada determined to learn English. She was very quickly drawn to a community of storytellers and discovered that she loved to listen to and to tell stories. Over the years, Seung Ah has grown into a woman who uses her love of story to broaden and share her worldview. The story of Kimchi is Seung Ah’s story, and she shares it with the generosity of someone who is experiencing the joy of life.”

 - Lynda Howes | Canada | Storyteller


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