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Korean Villages and Their Cultures
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 25,000
USD 17.52
Author: The National Trust of Korea
Publisher: The Academy of Korean Studies Press
Pub. Date: Oct 2013
Pages: 349
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 5.98 x 8.8 x
ISBN: 9788971059395
Language: English
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This book is an examination of the traditional Korean village, a key element in the communal nature of traditional Korean society. The village homes, roads and structures, as well as its varied intangible folk culture, provide valuable insights into the many relationships that characterized the communal nature of life engendered there. Therefore, this book does not limit itself to the traditional home, but through a comprehensive examination of such things as the natural environment and landscape surrounding the village, it attempts to foster an understanding of both traditional and contemporary Korean culture. It is hoped that this book might provide foreign residents of Korea and young people everywhere a better understanding of both life in the traditional Korean village and Korean culture in general.

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