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Korean Phrasebook for Traveler - 한국어 몰라도 한국 여행 갈 수 있다!
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 17,000
USD 11.91
Author: TalkToMeKorean
Publisher: Long Tail Books
Pub. Date: Dec 2016
Cover: Softcover
ISBN: 9791186701133
Language: English
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If you don't know much when it comes to the Korean language, but you are traveling to Korea soon, don't worry! Korean Phrasebook For Travelers will be your passport to getting through that language barrier and making your trip more enjoyable without having to study the language in depth. This book is divided into sections by location and situation so you can easily find the word or expression that you need without wasting much time searching the pages. To help with the pronunciation of Korean, romanizations of Hangeul, the Korean writing system, are written for every word and phrase (the romanizations in this book have been slightly modified from the "official romanization" system to better suit English speakers). In addition to romanization, illustrations are included to not only help you have a visual representation of a word, but just in case you are having trouble being understood, you can show the other person/people the picture in the book to make things less awkward or frustrating for everyone.

1. Basic phrases
2. At the airport
3. Getting around
4. Accomodations
5. Eating
6. Shopping
7. Fun places
8. Festivals in Korea
9. Busy areas in Seoul
10. Visiting a local city
11. Emergencies
12. More about Korean language


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