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Enjoy learning Chinese characters
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 32,000
USD 22.23
Author: Kun Ho Park, Kyung Yong Kong
Publisher: KONG&PARK, Inc.
Pub. Date: May. 2013
Pages: 544
Cover: Paperback
Dimensions (in inches): 5.90 x 8.85 x 0.86
ISBN: 9788997134090
Language: English
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Enjoy Learning Chinese Characters: Discover their Hidden Meanings

Chinese characters are represented as pictograms which are based on the shape of objects. If you feel even slightly disheartened that you will have to memorize each one of them, then do not worry. Just as the English language learning system is based on alphabets(A, B, C, etc.) which are a set of characters that represent the phonemic structure of the language; similarly, Chinese learning has about 250 basic and radical characters. Remember that you can combine these Chinese characters or break them in order to easily read, write and understand them.

How must one learn the basic characters?

This book is written to help you understand the origin and usage of each character. Now you can recall instead of memorize. To remember means to strengthen the synapses which connect your brain cells. Synapses can be strengthened by stimulating the five senses - smell, hearing, taste, vision and touch. When multiple senses are used together, the memory lasts longer. Better results can be achieved when such stimuli is coupled by unforced repetition. One good way of strengthening the synapses is to repeat the same stimulation. This book expands on the basic character by adding parts that give new meaning in a radical form. This means you are exposed to the same basic character multiple times.

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