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Price per Unit (piece): KRW 18,000
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Author: Venerable Kyongsan (Jang Eung-cheol)
Publisher: Seoul Selection
Pub. Date: Oct 2018
Pages: 304
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 5.9 x 7.8 x
ISBN: 9781624121173
Language: English
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Main Description

The Mind Is the Buddha”, not only enriching your own life but also steering the world in the right directions.

Our minds are even more changeable than water. Our mind is one, and at the same time it functions in tens of thousands of ways.

As we study the texts of Secrets on Cultivating the Mind, we must not only learn to cultivate our lives to achieve bliss, but we must also strive to become great sages who can save the world by engaging in a practice of seeking, training, and using our minds well

Secrets on Cultivating the Mind among The Essential Scriptures of the Buddha and Patriarchs by Master Pojo. Master Pojo, the author of Secrets on Cultivat-ing the Mind, was a Korean monk of the Goryeo period, who lived a short life of fifty-two years from 1158 through 1210.

It is said that he ardently engaged in meditation and recitation of Buddha’s names and was quite unconcerned with fame and gain. He was also meticulous and strict in character, while spending much of his time with the public. He was particularly outstanding in his studies and wrote many books, the list of which includes Secrets on Cultivat-ing the Mind, Encouraging to Practice: The Compact of the Samādhi and Prajñā Community (Kwŏn su chŏnghye kyŏlsa mun), Straight Talk on the True Mind (Chinsim chiksŏl), The Complete and Sudden At-tainment of Buddhahood (Wŏndon sŏngbullon) and Resolving Doubts About Observing the Hwadu (Kanhwa kyŏrŭi ron). The fact that among all of these, the Founding Master selected Secrets on Cultivating the Mind as the reference text for our mind practice is due to him believing that this scripture would be an important guidebook for the dharma companions of the future who would engage in mind practice.

Secrets on Cultivating the Mind can be simply discussed in terms of three aspects. First is that your mind is the Buddha! What is Bud-dha? Well, your mind is. Who are you who is listening to this right now? It is your mind. You must be aware that your mind that is listen-ing right now is the buddha.

He then goes on to discuss sudden awakening and subsequent gradual cultivation—that is, suddenly awakening to and gradually cul-tivating the mind. Awakening to the mind can be referred to as “seeing the nature”; he explains how one gradually cultivates the mind after seeing the nature. This idea of sudden awakening and gradual cultivation is Master Pojo Chinul’s central concept, one that any practitioner must know without fail.

The next is “maintaining samādhi and prajñā equally.” In the realm of self-nature where the two coexist, he said, samādhi and prajñā must be cultivated equally.

Secrets on Cultivating the Mind is written in question-and-answer form. The sutra is structured in a format in which Master Pojo asks the questions and answers them himself.

Cardinal Master Chŏngsan gave a variety of lectures on Secrets on Cultivating the Mind, but among them, Kyongsan, Prime Dharma Master of Won- Buddhism, will introduce one dharma word that can be the standard of interpretation: “Take the mind as the head; treat awakening to the mind as the dharma; and regard cultiva-tion as the merit.”

Author Biography

Prime Dharma Master Kyongsan

Venerable Kyongsan (Jang Eung-cheol, b. 1940)

is the fifth Prime Dharma Master of Won- Buddhism. He entered the Won-Buddhist faith at the age of twenty and graduated from the Department of Won-Buddhist Studies at Wonkwang University in 1968. He served as president of the Youngsan College of S n Studies, executive director of administration for Won-Buddhism, and director of the Jung-ang Training Center of Won-Buddhism before being inaugurated as the fifth Prime Dharma Master in 2006. Today, his work includes the great Buddha offering of spreading the dharma, personalization of the doctrine, extension of grace, operating according to the Won-Buddhist regulations, and sowing blessings for the coming centuries. His books include The Moon of the Mind Rises in Empty Space, Freedom from Transgressive Karma, The Functioning of a Buddha’s Mind, The Shore of Freedom, The Middle Way: The Way of the Sage, and Herding the Ox of Our Mind


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