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Price per Unit (piece): KRW 12,000
USD 8.41
Author: Pak Wan-seo
Publisher: Atelier Des Cahiers
Pub. Date: Oct 2011
Pages: 110
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 4.80 x 6.69 x 0.35
ISBN: 9782952928670
Language: French
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This book is the French version of the novela Three Days in That Autumn by Korean writer Pak Wan-seo. It delves into the grim irony of women's life-giving capacity. A gynecologist facing retirement must reckon with the legacy of her traumatic past. Herself a victim of a rape during the Korean War who had to undergo an abortion, the doctor devotes her career to freeing women from the agony of carrying an unwanted baby. Paradoxically, her obsessive devotion to aborting unplanned pregnancies actually functions as a tool for perpetuating sex as a trade, and her own emotional dysfunction even allows her to find the sardonic pleasure of retaliation in the decrepitude of the women she services. In her final three days of work, however, she comes to recognize her sublimated longing for self-healing and redemption in her sudden inexplicable need to deliver a living life to be loved and cared for.

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