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Contemporary Korean Ballet : Scenes and Stars
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 10,000
USD 7.56
Author: Moon Ae-ryoung
Publisher: Hollym
Pub. Date: Oct 2014
Pages: 176
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 5.9 x 8.85 x 0.5
ISBN: 9781565913455
Language: English
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This book introduces today’s Korean ballet with concise yet sufficient, detailed explanation. Today’s ballet is divided into romantic and classical ballet popular during the 19th century and a variety of creative ballet pieces since the 20th century. Ballet of Russia, Europe, and US has long positioned itself. Japan and China started ballet through Russia, yet Korean ballet began through Japan. It is because Korean dancer’s participation in ballet performances started after 1945 when male dancers in Japan began to return home following the nation’s liberation from Japanese colonial rule. Therefore, an establishment of Korean ballet and the globalization of Korean ballet are tasks to be solved.

The brief history of Korean ballet is outlined in chapter one of the book. The chapter covers the primary focus to cast light on the structure and educational system of the current Korean ballet community. In chapter two, major Korean professional ballet companies and their ballet pieces is introduced: Korean National Ballet, Universal Ballet, Seoul Ballet Theatre, and Gwangju City Ballet. In chapter three shows how and in what ways Korean ballet exchange with international ballet: International ballet companies’ performances in Korea, and exchange through International Association, and participation in International Competitions are introduced. Chapter four focuses on the list of Korean ballet stars. The list is a compilation of both celebrated Korean ballet dancers performing actively at home and abroad. Chapter five deals with major choreographers who have performed in the US or Europe and those who received support funds as the recipients of the Creative Cradle program. Chapter six presents the repertoire of major ballet companies in Korea: Sim Chung, The Love of Chunhyang, and This Is Your Life for the Universal Ballet; Prince Hodong and Poise for the Korean National Ballet, and so on.


01 Brief History of Korean Ballet 한국 발레 약사
- From Introduction to Settlement 도입기에서 정착기까지
- Specialization and Rapid Development 전문화와 비약적 발전
- Educational System and Activities of Related Associations 교육제도와 협회 활동

02 Major Ballet Companies 주요 발레단 소개
- Korean National Ballet 국립발레단
- Universal Ballet 유니버설발레단
- Seoul Ballet Theatre 서울발레시어터
- Gwangju City Ballet 광주시립무용단

03 International Exchange 국제 교류
- International Ballet Companies’ Performances in Korea 외국 발레단 내한공연
- Exchange through International Associations 국제 협회를 통한 교류
- Participation in International Competitions 국제 콩쿠르 참가

04 Ballet Stars 발레 스타들
- Stars at Korean Ballet Companies 한국 발레단의 스타들
- Korean Stars in Overseas Ballet Companies 외국 발레단의 한국인 스타들

05 Key Choreographers 주요 안무가들
- Choreographers Selected by Creative Cradle ‘창작산실’ 선정 안무가들
- James Jeon 한국 창작발레를 대표하는 안무가 제임스 전
- Kim Sun-hee 발레 스타들의 요람을 만드는 안무자 김선희
- Hue-Simon Young Soon 한국이 낳은 세계적 안무가 허용순

06 Major Creative Ballet Repertoires 대표적 창작발레 레퍼토리
- Shim Chung by the Universal Ballet 유니버설발레단의 〈심청〉
- The Love of Chunhyang by the Universal Ballet 유니버설발레단의 〈춘향〉
- This Is Your Life by the Universal Ballet 유니버설발레단의 〈This is Your Life〉
- Prince Hodong by the Korean National Ballet 국립발레단의 〈왕자 호동〉
- Poise by the Korean National Ballet 국립발레단의 〈포이즈〉
- The Rock Ballet Being Series by the Seoul Ballet Theatre 서울발레단의 록 발레 〈Being〉 시리즈
- Alice in Wonderland by the Seoul Ballet Theatre 서울발레시어터의 〈이상한 나라의 앨리스〉
- Snow White by the Seoul Ballet Theatre 서울발레시어터의 〈백설공주〉
- The Little Mermaid by Kim Sun-hee Ballet 한국예술종합학교 김선희 발레단의 〈인어공주〉
- Seongung Yi Sun-shin by the Gwangju City Ballet 광주시립무용단의 〈성웅 이순신〉


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