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Han Sorya and North Korean Literature
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 20,000
USD 14.02
Author: Myers, Brian Reynolds
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press
Pub. Date: Jan 1994
Pages: 210
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 5.3 x 8.46 x 0.59
ISBN: 9780939657698
Language: English
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" A significant contribution to international scholoarshp on North Korea " - Far Eastern Economic Review

The first and only study of North Korean literary history by a Western scholar deals with the crucial role played by Han Sorya, Chairman or the D.P.R.K's
Federation of Literature and Art from 1948 to his purge in 1962, both in devising the iconography of Kim Il Sung's personality cult and in defining the early course of
North Korean letters. Through brief studies of Han's own canonical works, the author also sets out to dispel the widely held assumption that North Korean
Literature is compatible with Soviet and Chinese socialist realism. The appendix includes a complete translation of Han's 1951 novella Jackals (Sungnyangi)



1. Han and Korea's Proletarian Culture Movement
2. Han and North Korean Literature in the Years After Liberation, 1945-1950
      a. The Establishment of the North Korean Federation of Literature and Art
      b.  Han Sorya's Fiction 
           T'an gaengch'on (Mining Settlement, 1946)
           Charanun maul (Growing Village, 1949)
           Nammae ( Brother and Sister, 1949) 

3. Han and North Korean Literature During the Korean War and its Aftermath, 1950-1955

      a. Factional Struggles on the Pyongyang Literary Scene
      b. Han Sorya's Fiction
          Sungnyangi ( Jackals, 1951)
          Ryoksa (History, 1953)

4. Han's "Golden Age", 1956-1961

       a. The "Han Machine" and the Ch'ollima Movement
       b. Han's Sorya's Fiction
           Sarang (Love, 1960) 
           Writings on Kim Il Sung (1946-1960)

5. Han's Purge and Rehabilitation, 1962-1969

Conclusion: Han Sorya's Legacy

Jackals, by Han Sorya


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