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Contemporary Music in East Asia
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 50,000
USD 35.04
Author: Hee Sook Oh
Publisher: Seoul National University Press
Pub. Date: Jan. 2014
Pages: 330
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 6.77 x 9.60 x 0.78
ISBN: 9788952115249
Language: English
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I. Introduction
Neo-Nationalism and Anti-Essentialism in East Asian Art Music since
the 1960s and the Role of Musicology
- Christian Utz (University of Music and Dramatic Arts Graz, Austria)

II. Contemporary Music in Korea
Avant-Garde Music for Traditional Instruments:
Extended Techniques in the Music of Hwang Byungki
- Andrew Killick (University of Sheffield, UK)

‘Intercultural’ Problems of Bi-Cultural Instrumentation:
A Focus on Contemporary Korean Composition
- Hee Sook Oh (Seoul National University, Korea)

Unsuk Chin’s Musical Language, Abstraction and Recontextualization:
With an Example of ?u f?r Sheng und Orchester (2009, rev. 2010)
- Jeong Eun Seo (Seoul National University, Korea)

Together This Moment:
Gugak Teams and the Process of Composition
- Hilary Vanessa Finchum-Sung (Seoul National University, Korea)

III. Contemporary Music in Japan
Imaginary Songs of the East:
Ryuichi Sakamoto, Masahiro Miwa and the Music of Postmodern Japan
-Akeo Okada (Kyoto University, Japan)

A Close Relationship between Music and Nature:
Concepts of Cultural Identity in the Music of Toshio Hosokawa
- J?rn Peter Hiekel (University of Music “Carl Maria von Weber” Dresden, Germany)

Re-situating Japan’s Post-War Musical Avant-Garde through Re-situating Cage:
The S?getsu Art Center and the Aesthetics of Spontaneity
- Fuyuko Fukunaka (Tokyo Uiversity of the Arts, Japan)

IV. Contemporary Music in China
Cultural Boundary and National Border:
Recent Works of Tan Dun, Chen Yi and Bright Sheng
- Nancy Yunhwa Rao (Rutgers University, USA)

Musical Phantasmagoria in the Globalized Age:
Tan Dun’s The Map and the Environmental Politics of Musical Materials
- Chien-Chang Yang (Taiwan National University, Taiwan)


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