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Korean Impact On Japanese Culture
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 15,000
USD 10.44
Author: Dr Jon Carter Covell & Alan Covell
Publisher: Hollym
Pub. Date: 2009
Pages: 115
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 7.2 x 9.4 x 0.3
ISBN: 9781565912793
Language: English
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Many people, especially in the West, are unaware of the role that Korea has played it’s role in the development of Japan’s culture over the ages. In this book the authors compare the sculpture, architecture, painting, ceramics, and courtly dress of Japan with Korea’s, especially the Baekje Kingdom to prove that Korea had brought “civilization” to pre-historic Japan. Also, the archeological evidence presented trace the Japanese imperial line directly to the Korean conquerors of Japan.



Introduction : Horseriding Nomads

PART 1 The "Horseriders" Arrive: Japan's Pre-History

1. The Land of Across
2. Ojin: Friend of Paekche
3. Nintoku: Divine Despot
4. Puyo's Rock Deity

PART 2 Koreans and Japan's Historic Period

1. Asuka and Early Buddhism
2. Ahotoku Taishi, "The Father of Japanese Buddhism"
3. Korean Impact on Japan's Nara Epoch
4. Korean Influence on Later Japanese Art

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