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Avengers & Artists : Folk Tales, Sagas, and Anecdotes (Korean Classic Stories Vol.1)
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 9,000
USD 6.31
Author: Kim Hunggyu
Publisher: Seoul Selection
Pub. Date: Nov. 2013
Pages: 100
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 5.03 x 7.40 x 0.31
ISBN: 9781624120145
Language: English
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“The Swordswoman” is very exceptional in that its protagonist is a swordswoman. The double-layered plot is also highly unusual: two women, a mistress and her slave, join forces for vengeance, after which the mistress takes her own life, and the protagonist—the slave—conceals her identity and becomes the concubine of a well-respected scholar. Some years later, this woman decides to leave the scholar upon realizing that his strengths consist of a handful of trifling tricks and that they fall far short of “grand enough principles to govern the world and serve as norms for posterity.” This man was So Eung-cheon (1704–1760), a scholar of some note in the mid-18th century. While this work recounts a tale of imaginary retribution and dazzling martial arts, it may ultimately be underhanded ridicule of the aristocracy of the time.

About the Series

This collection of stories from the Joseon Dynasty portrays the lives of people who were deeply immersed in Confucianism and its venerated ethics. The books in the series look at the lives of women, artists, lovers, aristocrats, and commoners, providing a vibrant understanding of the Joseon period.


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