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Passage to Korea
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 35,000
USD 24.37
Author: Photographs by Marc Verin
Publisher: Hollym
Pub. Date: Oct. 2005
Pages: 224
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 10.55 x 9.02 x 0.87
ISBN: 9781565912205
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South Korea is the world's 11th largest trading economy and is becoming a major political player, but it is still far less well known than its larger neighbors. It shares many cultural roots and forms with China and Japan, yet maintains its own colorful styles. From the wellspring of its still-strong Shamanism, it developed powerful currents of Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity that still influence every aspect of society. Now Koreans's traditional culture is gaining global respect at the same time as their pop culture enjoys sweeping popularity throughout East Asia and elsewhere. This book is an insightful passage into a dynamic rising industrial power that also remains a complex landscape of mystery and charm. The book will give the readers the opportunity of learning about Korea more concretely through its four sections: Korean nature, lives, beliefs and traditions. The photographs in this book are by Marc Verin and the text by David A. Mason. Marc Verin is currently working as a freelance photographer for Photononstop, an agency based in Paris. He is a recipient of the France-Korea Cultural Prize, and this is his third published book on Korea. He hopes his love and fascination for the Koreans and their country will be shown in the photographs in this book. David A. Mason has been living in South Korea for more than twenty years and earned a masters's degree in the History of Korea's religious culture from Yonsei University in Seoul. He has served as lecturer and tour guide all over the nation and professor at several universities. His previous books include Spirit of the Mountains and the Lonely Planet's Korea Guidebook.

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