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Koguryo Tomb Murals in the East Asian Funerary Art
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 29,000
USD 20.32
Author: Ah-Rim Park
Publisher: Jimoondang
Pub. Date: Feb. 2009
Pages: 306
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 6.77 x 8.85 x 0.70
ISBN: 9788962970005
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Koguryo wall paintings received highest attention when it was designated as World Cultural Heritage in 2004 by World Cultural Heritage Committee in Suzhou, China. International recognition and public attention indicate that Koguryo murals are a significant cultural heritage both for the world and for the Korean people. New research materials have come out bestowing new perspectives on Koguryo murals since then. The question rising when one studies Koguryo within the context of East Asian funerary art is how one defines the characteristics of Koguryo wall paintings. It inevitably leads us to the speculation how Koguryo funerary art was different from that of the Chinese. In order to discern Koguryo's own characteristics, the author emphasizes that not only Han Chinese culture but also non-Chinese cultures such as those of the Northern peoples as well as those of Buddhist and Central Asian were incorporated into Koguryo wall paintings and need to determine how such non-Chinese cultural elements are reflected in Koguryo murals.


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