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Hanoak: Traditional Korean Homes
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 30,000
USD 21.02
Author: Jae-soon Choi
Publisher: Hollym
Pub. Date: Jan. 2010
Pages: 240
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 10.62 x 8.74 x 0.78
ISBN: 9781565912984
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"Hanoak: Traditional Korean Homes" features a detailed look at traditional Korean housing during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). From the utilization of space and old shapes of door locks to the meanings of patterns carved on the surface of furniture, this book was written by eight faculty members whose fields are related to architecture. The book serves as a substantial cultural and architectural text, providing not only social and philosophical context affecting the structure and decoration of houses, but also shows the difference between houses of the upper-class and those of the lower-class. Korean traditional homes pursued both practical value and artistic beauty, since traditionally, Koreans believed that humans are part of nature, as were the houses they lived in. They preferred simple and restrained designs to luxurious ones, and structures that best suited the laws of nature. This book will guide those interested in Korea's traditional Hanoak, structures which encompassed traditional values and Korean worldviews.


Chapter1. The Development of Traditional Korean Houses 
Chapter2. The Spacial Arrangements of Traditional Korean Houses 
Chapter3. Layout and Design Elements 
Chapter4. Traditional Furniture and Accessories 
Chapter5. The Arrangement of Furniture and Interior Space 
Chapter6. Colors and Patterns 
Chapter7. The Interior Spaces of Traditional Korean Houses and Their Design Characteristics 



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