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Korea and the World
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 14,000
USD 9.81
Author: Hong Sah-myung
Publisher: Hankookmunhwasa
Pub. Date: Jun. 2008
Pages: 294
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 7.20 x 9.48 x 0.55
ISBN: 9788974645007
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Introduction: Different Backgrounds between the West and the East
Through the window of history
A Forbidden Gulf
Historical Dynamism of the West
A Static Order in the Shadow of China

Chapter One: Ancient Korea
Where Did Koreans Come From?
Ancient Beliefs
The Formation of the Earliest States
The Advent of Monarchism
Paekche and Yamato Wae
Struggles for Unification and the Birth of Balhae
The Rise and Fall of a Millennium Dynasty

Chapter Two: Medieval Korea
The Birth of Koryo Dynasty
The Mongolian Adventure across a Forbidding Gulf
Society and Religious Passion for Monumental Works
The Waning Monarch

Chapter Three: Pre-modern Korea
New Dynasty and the World
Ideological Renewal and Institutional Manifestation
The Vicissitude of the Dynasty
Foreign Relations
Literati Purges and Factional Strifes
Factional Fragmentation
The Trauma of Foreign Invasion
Years of Rejuvenation (1724-1800)
Intellectual Awakening
Religious Clashes and Tonghak Movement
Monarchical Ineptness before External Challenges
Isolation Policy
Chosun Left Alone to Resist Imperialist Encroachment
The Painful Opening of the Door
Helpless Pawn in the Vortex of Power Struggles
Nationalistic Movements in the East Asia and Korea
Reformative Movements
Broken History

Chapter Four: Struggles for National Building
The Global Stage for Tragic Drama
The Division of Korea
The Korean War and New Demarcation Line
New Threats
Is Reunification Possible?

Chapter Five: Modernization Process
A Cycle of Domineering; Bungled Experiment with Democracy
Economic Development
After Rapid Growth

Chapter Six: Contemporary Issues
Historiographical War
Historiographical War with China

Bibliographical References


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