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BEYOND THE CRISIS : Korea's Emergence from the Global Financial Storm of 2008
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 25,000
USD 17.52
Author: JUN Kwang-woo
Publisher: Seoul Selection
Pub. Date: Mar. 2010
Pages: 236
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 8.74 x 6.38 x 1.2
ISBN: 9788991913639
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This book is prepared to serve two objectives. One is sharing knowledge of effective crisis management, based on Korea's recent experience in overcoming its own turmoil during the global financial crisis. International organizations such as the IMF, OECD and the World Bank, as well as the international press, have given much coverage to Korea's economic comeback story. The Korean experience may shed some light for many emerging economies in dealing with such a financial crisis.
This book also endeavors to propose an agenda for a safer and more disciplined financial environment, leading to balanced and sustained growth of the world economy. While steps have already been taken, the global community must not lose momentum in continuing to improve the architecture of the international financial system. The present crossroads also coincides with Korea's assumption of the G-20 Forum chairmanship, under the auspices of which Korea stands ready to play an active role in promoting collective global efforts to these ends.


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