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Arirang: Song of Korea
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 30,000
USD 20.84
Author: Lee Chung-myun
Publisher: Easy Publishing Co.
Pub. Date: Sep. 2009
Pages: 328
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 9.25 x 6.4 x 0.75
ISBN: 9788992822343
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Recommendation | Walter Jones .... 5

Rev. David Koll .... 7

Lee O-young .... 8

Yu Chang-sik .... 9

Preface | Motives for writing the book_Lee Chung-myun .... 11

Chapter 1 Introduction

1. Arirang-Past, Present and Future .... 24

2. The Folksong of Korea .... 26

3. The Characteristics of Folksong in Korea .... 29

4. The Features of the Folksong by Region .... 32

Chapter 2 The Song of Arirang After my Heart

1. My Boyhood(Jatgogae) .... 36

2. The Koreans in Manchuria by W. T. Cook .... 38

3. Song of Arirang at the University of Malaya .... 40

4. Korean Migration to the Inter mountain West, U.S .... 42

5. Song of Arirang by Kim San and Nym Wales .... 46

6. The Four Major Home Grounds of the Song of Arirang .... 51

Chapter 3 The Origin of the Song of Arirang

1. Who Created the Song of Arirang? .... 58

2. Folksong of the Joseon Dynasty: Arirang .... 59

3. Other Source .... 62

4. The History of the Song of Arirang .... 70

5. When was the Song of Arirang Named as Arirang? .... 71

Chapter 4 The Story of Han and Arirang

1. The meaning of Han .... 78

2. Han and Arirang .... 81

Chapter 5 The movie Arirang

1. Movie Director and Producer Na Un-gyu .... 86

2. Production of the Movie .... 87

3. Censorship by Japanese Government .... 89

4. The Best Box-Office Record .... 91

5. Arirang in the Movie Arirang .... 92

Chapter 6 The Major Types of Arirang

1. Seoul/Gyeonggi Arirang .... 99

2. Jeongseon Arirang .... 104

3. Miryang Arirang .... 127

4. Jindo Arirang .... 138

Chapter 7 The Diffusion of Arirang

1. Domestic ... 150

2. International Diffusion .... 154

a. Japan

b. China

c. Russia

d. The United States and Europe

Chapter 8 Foreigner’s Love of Arirang

1. H.B. Hulbert .... 216

2. Famous Folksong Singer Pete Seeger .... 222

3. George Nasse and Paul Vandermeer .... 226

4. Court music and Tanabe Hisao .... 231

Chapter 9 Song of Arirang in the Hymn and Lullaby

1. Arirang in the Hymnal of the United Presbyterian Church .... 236

2. An Adopted Child and A Hymn .... 242

3. Arirang of as a Cradle Song and Classical Music .... 248

Chapter 10 Similarity of Arirang

1. Arirang .... 252

2. Arirang and Yankee Doodle .... 254

3. Samba .... 257

4. Tango .... 263

5. Chanson .... 266

6. Jazz .... 268

7. The Danso of Korea and the Quena of Latin America .... 269

Chapter 11 Possibility of the Globalization of Arirang

1. World Musicians who loved Arirang .... 274

2. The Nobel Prize Winners’ Encounter with Arirang .... 279

3. The World Song Arirang .... 282

4. Kim Chan-sam and the Song of Arirang .... 283

Chapter 12 The Characteristics of Arirang

1. Solidarity .... 289

2. Resistance and Forgiveness .... 290

3. Long Continuity .... 291

4. Easy to learn, Simple and Fascinating Melody .... 292

Chapter 13 Conclusion

1. My study on Arirang .... 296

2. Consilience Approach for Studying Arirang .... 299

3. Arirang Festivals and Common Theme .... 301

4. Sharing Arirang Culture with the World .... 303

Reference .... 307

Index .... 32


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