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Korean Landscape Painting: Continuity and Innovation Through the Ages
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 19,800
USD 13.79
Author: Yi Song-mi
Publisher: Hollym
Pub. Date: Mar. 2006
Pages: 221
Cover: Paperback
Dimensions (in inches): 9.45 x 7.48 x 0.55
ISBN: 9781565912311
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This book was planned and published by the Korea Foundation as part of the Korean Culture Series. The series is aimed at disseminating ideas and knowledge of Korean art and culture to the world. The explanations and the pictures in this book are shown by the ages. The contents are divided into "The Three Kingdoms and the Unified Silla Periods", "The Goryeo and the Early Joseon Periods", "The Mid-Joseon Period", "The Late Joseon Period", and "The Late Nineteenth to the Early Twentieth Century." Through many color illustrations and detailed writings, readers will appreciate the beautiful Korean landscape paintings and understand their background. Yi Song-mi, the author of this book, is Professor Emerita of Art History at the Academy of Korean Studies. Overseas she is a member of the editorial board of Archives of Asian Art and of the International Council of the Asia Society in New York.

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