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A Monk's Reply to Everyday Problems - Selection of Fifty Dharma Talks from across the World
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 18,000
USD 12.53
Author: Ven, Pomnyun Sunim
Publisher: JUNGTO
Pub. Date: Nov 2018
Pages: 320
Dimensions (in inches): 6.06 x 8.8 x
ISBN: 9791187297161
Language: English
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I miss my deceased son / Tokyo
I am lonely / Oslo
My friends have betrayed me / Oakland
I have deeply hurt my mother / Istanbul
I cannot accept the deaths of my family members / Dallas
I want to have a baby / Kyoto

I suffer from depression / Singapore
I am worthless as a mother / Nagoya
I am soon to become a mother but I feel too insecure / Phoenix
What can I do to attain peace of mind? / UCLA(University of California, Los Angeles)
I get scared when Mommy and Daddy fight / Tenafly
How can I become confident? / Pittsburgh
I want to have a boyfriend but I have no confidence / Sacramento

I have to be with someone I hate / Ottawa
I hate my father / Amsterdam
I cannot forgive my mother for leaving me /
UTS(Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York)
I regret getting mad / Budapest
I am kind to strangers, but I easily get mad at my husband and children
/ Moscow
What do I do when anger arises? / Athens
My mother and aunt were very close before but are now enemies / Montreal
My mother keeps criticizing my father / Munich

How do I renounce greed? / Google
I cannot approve some qualities of my children / Portland
How can I meet good people? / Guatemala City
How can I be loved as a wife and as a daughter-in-law? / Madison
I want to live to serve others / Raleigh
I want to live a giving life / Melbourne

Why am I so unattractive? / Prague
I love my family, but they don’t love me back / Lisbon
I am extremely restless at home after my retirement / Ellicott City
My husband competes with his children / Fairfax
I want to have a purpose, a dream / Kansas City
How can I love myself? / Philadelphia
My husband is addicted to gambling / Las Vegas
People discriminate against me for not eating meat / Mexico City

I have no purpose in life / Manhattan
I changed my sex / Tacoma
I have lied and deeply hurt my husband / Taipei
How can I become a good father, a good husband? / Hanoi
Why do I need to get married? / Stockholm
I do not want to get married / Auckland
I find it hard to express myself / New Haven

I want to know more about the Diamond Sutra / Indianapolis
What is practice? / Ann Arbor
Why do I have to do 108 prostrations? / Newport News
Does it help advance world peace if I meditate? / Princeton University
How to bring about political change / Washington DC
How should I understand religion? / Dublin
How can I be a good consultant? / Tampa
How can I gain merits as a doctor? / Houston


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