서문 Preface 02 일러두기 How to Use This Book 04 목차 Contents 08 내용 구성표 Table of Contents 10 등장인물 소개 Introduction of Characters 14
Chapter 01 나의 삶 My Life 15 01 첫인상만으로는 그 사람을 다 알 수 없는 것 같아요. It seems that first impression really doesn’t tell you everything. 16 02 배구 선수가 되려다가 포기했어요. I intended to become a volleyball player but I gave up. 26 03 그날따라 친구가 약속 시간에 늦었어요. My friend was late for an appointment on that particular day. 36 04 그때 자신 있게 대답했더라면 합격할 수 있었을 텐데……. If I had answered with confidence, I could have passed… 46 05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review 56 문화 Culture 62
Chapter 02 배우는 즐거움 The Joy of Learning 63 01 얼마나 꾸준히 하느냐에 달려 있는 것 같아요. It seems that it depends on how consistently I do. 64 02 신입생들에게 도움이 될 게 틀림없어요. I have no doubt that it will be helpful for freshmen. 74 03 고민한 만큼 진로 선택을 더 잘 할 수 있을 거예요. Your career path decision will be as good as however much you agonize over it. 84 04 건강을 위해서는 좀 쉬어 가면서 하세요. For the sake of your health, please take a break. 94 05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review 104 문화 Culture 110
Chapter 03 정보와 생활 Information and Life 111 01 빨래 건조대 밑에다가 신문지를 깔아 두세요. Spread newspaper under the dryer rack. 112 02 며칠째 잠을 설쳤더니 정말 피곤하네요. I am so tired because I haven’t slept well for several days. 122 03 홈페이지에서 방문할 수 있는 날짜와 시간을 고르기만 하면 돼요. All you need to do is go to the homepage and choose the date and time when you can visit. 132 04 이사하는 김에 낡은 가구는 버려야 할 것 같아요. It looks like I’ll have to discard some old furniture while I move. 142 05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review 152 문화 Culture 158
Chapter 04 대중 매체 Mass Media 159 01 한국 음악도 들을 겸 한국어 듣기 연습도 할 겸 매일 라디오를 듣고 있어요. I’ve been listening to the radio every day not only to enjoy the Korean music but also for Korean listening practice. 160 02 사진을 올린다 올린다 하는 게 너무 바빠서 못 올렸어요. I’ve been meaning to upload photos but couldn’t because I was so busy. 170 03 이번 조사를 통해서 유학생이 증가했음을 알 수 있었다. Through this survey, we were able to confirm that the number of international students has increased. 180 04 지난주에 자료를 찾아 놓기만 했어요. I only searched for materials last week. 190 05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review 200 문화 Culture 206
Chapter 05 언어와 생활 Language and Life 207 01 마치 호랑이가 온 것을 아는 것처럼 말했습니다. She spoke as if she knew that the tiger had appeared. 208 02 그냥 아는 척할 때도 많아요. A lot of the time I just pretend to know. 218 03 말이 씨가 된다고 그런 말 하지 마세요. They say words become a seed, so don’t talk like that. 228 04 어렸을 때로 돌아가는 듯해서 기분이 좋을 때도 있어요. Sometimes it feels like I’m a kid again, so I like it. 238 05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review 248 문화 Culture 254
부록 Appendix 답안 Answers 256 듣기 지문 Listening Scripts 266 대화 번역 Dialogue Translations 281 문화 번역 Culture Section Translations 286 색인 Index 288 |
Airmail I (Smaller Parcel Post) Note: Not trackable. Since this is a form of general mail, deliveries do not receive a tracking number. While delivery costs are relatively inexpensive and customs passage is easier, the security of the delivery is somewhat lower. Packaging methods are applied that allow for opening according to regulations. Please be aware that Seoul Selection cannot be held responsible for items ordered that are lost during delivery. Only applies to packages weighing less than 2 kg. For boxes, no one side can exceed 60 cm in length, and total dimensions of length, width and height together cannot exceed 90 cm.
Airmail II (Parcel Post) Note: Trackable. However, inquiries about delivery status are handled manually rather than by Internet, and items are thus more difficult to track in comparison with courier services. Applies to packages more than 2 kg.
* Airmail I, Airmail II 7 ~ 20 business days for international delivery after order confirmation.
EMS (Express Mail Service) Note: Trackable and fast. This is the courier service of the Korean postal service. An international postal service that brings letters, documents and parcels to their destinations abroad using the fastest and safest means of transportation through a special agreement between the Ministry of Information and Communication and the postal services of other countries. Promptness: 143 countries, including Japan and China, can be reached in 2-4 days. Delivery Inquiries by Internet: EMS deliveries sent to major countries such as Japan, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong can be tracked and confirmed through a global computer network; delivery status is available upon inquiry. In case a computer inquiry is not possible, a quick inquiry by fax or post is available for reference upon the user's request.
EMS Premium Note: Trackable and fast. With EMS Premium, the Korean postal service handles TNT Express delivery services, providing a similar delivery period to other express services like DHL, FedEx and UPS, with slightly more affordable rates according to region. 1 ~ 3 business days for international delivery after order confirmation.
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