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The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots 16 : Korean Travel Literature(revised edition)
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 15,000
USD 10.51
Author: Kim Tae-Joon
Publisher: Ewha Univ
Pub. Date: Apr 2018
Pages: 160
Dimensions (in inches): 4.9 x 7.1 x 0.7
ISBN: 9791158902780
Language: English
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책 소개

Korea has a rich legacy of travel literature. This book brings to light a treasure trove of literary works left behind by Koreans on the road, including an eighth-century monk who journeyed to India, the Confucian literati exiled to remote islands, the Joseon diplomatic envoys to China and Japan, and a contemporary female globe trotter. Their writings illuminate fascinating aspects of the spiritual history of the Korean people.

이 책은 지난 3월 발간된 ‘한국의 여행문학’의 영어판이다.

한국의 여행 문학은 구법승들의 순례기, 시인 묵객들의 유산기, 중국이나 일본 사절단이 남긴 통신사 일기, 유배지 문학 등 매우 많다. 이 책은 신라 시대부터 현대에 이르기까지 우리 민족의 해외 체험의 역사요, 문학사인 동시에 정신사라고 할 수 있는 여행 문학에 대하여 일목요연하게 정리해주고 있다.

저자 소개

김태준(Kim Tae Joon)

Born in 1939 at Jangyeon, Hwanghae Province.

Graduated from the Department of Korean Literature, Dongguk University.

Received a Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Tokyo University.

Professor of Korean Literature at Myongji University from 1968 and at Dongguk

University from 1986.

Currently professor emeritus at Dongguk University.

[Published Works]

Biography of Hong Dae-yong

A Comparative Study of Chunhyang-jeon(Co-author)

An East Asian Perspective of Korean Literature(Three Volumes)

Geography in Literature: Mental Images of Koreans(Compiler, three volumes)

On the Ancient Road to China(Co-author)

From Vain Learning to Practical Learning(Japanese)

A History of Japanese Literature(Joint translation)

1939년 황해도 장연에서 출생. 동국대학교 국문학과를 졸업하고 동국대학교 국문학과와 일본 도쿄대학(東京大學)에서 문학석사와 문학박사 학위를 받았다. 1968년부터 명지대학교 국문학과 교수 1986년부터 2005년까지 동국대학교 교수로 재직했다. 현재 동국대학교 명예 교수.


춘향전 비교 연구(공저)

홍대용 평전

한국문학의 동아시아적 시각 1, 2, 3

문학지리-한국인의 심상공간 상, 중, 하(편저)

문명의 연행길을 가다(공저)


일본문학사 서설(공역)



I . Literature from Religious Pilgrimages

1. Hyecho’s Memoir of Journey to India

2. Min Yeong-gyu’s Reflections on Jerusalem

II. Literature from Travelers

1. Literature and Geography of the Joseon Dynasty

2. Pavilions in Travel Literature

3. Records of Tours to Mountains

4. Records of Tours to Mt. Geumgang

5. Travel Stories by a Female Writer

6. Yu Gil-jun’s Journey to the West

III. Literature from Exiles

1. Exiles and Their Destinations

2. Literati Purges and Exiles

3. Banished to Honam

4. Banished to Jeju

5. Banished to Northern Frontiers

6. Parade of Deaths

7. Choe Bu’s Record of Drifting in the Sea

8. Kang Hang’s War Memorials

9. Banished to Foreign Lands

IV. Literature from Diplomatic Missions

1. To China and to the World

2. Nogajae’s Journal of Travel to China

3. Records of Travel to China of the 18th Century

4. Shin Yu-han’s Record of Travel to Japan

V. Modern Travel Literature

1. You Hong-june’s Exploration of Cultural Heritage

2. Han Bi-ya’s Record of Global Trekking



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