Chapter 1 Introduction: Mongering Democracy for Peace in North Korea from Impossible Conditions
Chapter 2 Exceptional Durability and Survivability of North Korean Dictatorship
The Collapsism of North Korea: Myth and Reality Factors Contributing to Exceptional Durability and Survivability of North Korean Dictatorship
Chapter 3 Institutionalizing Dictatorship in North Korea
Kim Il Sung: Institutionalization of Party Control over the Military
Kim Jong Il: Privatized Military Organization out of Party Control
Kim Jong Un: Mixed System of Totalitarianism and Neo- patrimonialism
The Implications of the Mixture of Totalitarianism and Patrimonialism for the Durability of North Korean Dictatorship
Chapter 4 Democracy for Peace
Inter-Korean Peace before Reunification
Democracy for Peace
Why Has Non-Democratic North Korea Impeded Inter-Korean Peace?
Chapter 5 Mongering Democracy from Neo-Patrimonial Socialist Dictatorship in North Korea 1: Failed Exogenous Democratization
Choices and Echoes of Exogenous Democratizations in North Korea
Immunity from Contagion: North Korea Has Been Immune from Contagious Wave of Democratization
Failed Control: Sanctions and Forced Regime Change Did not Bring Liberal Democracy in North Korea
Inter-Korean Consent from Below Did not Happen: Non-Spill Over from Sunshine Policy
Lee Myung Bak’s Conditinality that Had Never Worked
Chapter 6 Mongering Democracy from Neo-Patrimonial Socialist Dictatorship in North Korea 2: Crafting Endogenous Democratization
Strategic Choice for Endogenous Democratization: “The Strength to Concede”
Can North Korea Be a Candidate for “Conceding to Thrive”?
The “Strength to Concede” in North Korea
North Korean “Bittersweet Spot” to Concede
“Conceding to Thrive” for North Korean Leader and Ruling Elites
Chapter 7 A Proposal for Democratization in North Korea
Marketization, Liberalization, and Pluralization
Electoral Supporters Groups
Conceding to Democracy
Chapter 8 Eclectic Approaches to Inter-Korean Peace Building
The Virtues of Eclecticism in Building Inter-Korean Peace
Why Does New Democracy in North Korea Promote Inter-Korean Peace Building?
Functionalism: “Buying Peace”
Inter-governmentalism: Institutionalizing Inter-Korean Peace System
Realism: Sustaining Peace by Resolving Security Dilemmas of Two Koreas
Constructivism: Rebuilding Korean National Identity
Chapter 9 East Asian Regional Security Community as the Guarantor of Inter-Korean Peace
Entrapment of U.S. in East Asian Security Community
USFK as Peacekeeping Force in East Asia
Taming Rampant Nationalism
About Authors
Hyug Baeg Im 175
Jae H. Ku