Also available as eBook at: Kindle Store (Amazon)
This book is a complete guide for people who want to learn the Korean language,
starting from the very beginning, and learn the alphabet and the correct sounds of vowels,
consonants, and diphthongs. It was written for people who want an easy but systematic approach to the language. The writer is a non-native speaker who started learning the language from ZERO, just like
you and spent years in Korea trying to reach a better level of proficiency in Korean.
After a few weeks of study, you will study to recognize words, make sentences,
and have simple (but miraculous) conversations with other Korean speakers!
Contents Author’s Note How to Use This Book Unit 1 Korean alphabet 1 Introduction / Vowels / Consonants 1
Unit 2 Korean alphabet 2 Consonants 2 / Some features of the Korean Language
Unit 3 Korean alphabet 3 Diphthongs / Phonetic rules / Intonation / Korean fonts
Unit 4 Do you study? The topic particle 은/는 / The formal level of speech -ㅂ 니다/습니다 / The nominal predicate in an affirmative sentence
Unit 5 What is this? Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns / The particle 의 / Lexicon: names of countries / Personal pronouns / Interrogative pronouns
Unit 6 That’s not a car. The subject particle 이/가 / The nominal predicate in a negative sentence / Interrogative pronouns 무슨, 어느, 어떤
Unit 7 The book is on the desk. The particle 에 / The verbs 있다 and 없다 / The prepositions of place / More information on the verbs 있다 and 없다 / Lexicon: feelings
Unit 8 When is your birthday? The particle 을/를 / Cardinal numbers / The particles ~부터/~까지
Unit 9 Are you well? The particle 도 / The semiformal level of speech 아/어/여요 / The semiformal level of speech for verbs with stems ending in ㅂ / Lexicon: clothes
Unit 10 I listen to music. The particles 에게 and 한테 / The semiformal level of speech for verbs with stems ending in ㄷ /
The semiformal level of speech for verbs with stems ending in 르 / The particle 하고 / Lexicon: family
Unit 11 I study hard! The particle 에서 / The semiformal level of speech for verbs with stems ending in ㅎ and the verb 하다 / Lexicon: the colors / Adverbs / Verbs ending in 하다
Unit 12 What does the professor do? The semiformal level of speech for verbs with stems ending in ㅅ / The particle (으)로 / The honorific form, first part
Unit 13 What’s your name? The short negative form using 안 or 못 / The honorific form, second part / The particle 에게서 and 한테서 / The exhoratative form in the formal level of speech (으)ㅂ시다
Unit 14 Yesterday I watched a movie with a friend. The honorific form, third part / Imperative polite form -(으) 십시오 / Simple past tense -았/었/였- / The particle (이)랑 Appendix |
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