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Writing Women in Korea: Translation and Feminism in the Early Twentieth Century
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 63,600
USD 44.57
Author: Theresa Hyun
Publisher: Univ of Hawaii Pr
Pub. Date: Jan 2014
Pages: 256
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 0.8 x 6 x 9
ISBN: 9780824826772
Language: English
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Writing Women in Korea explores the connections among translation, new forms of writing, and new representations of women in Korea from the early 1900s to the late 1930s. It examines the shifts in the way translators handled material pertaining to women, the work of women translators of the time, and the relationship between translation and the original works of early twentieth-century Korean women writers. The book opens with an outline of the Choson period (1392-1910), when a vernacular writing system was invented, making it possible to translate texts into Korean - in particular, Chinese writings reinforcing official ideals of feminine behavior aimed at women. The legends of European heroines and foreign literary works translated at the beginning of the twentieth century helped spur the creation of the New Woman (Sin Yosong) ideal for educated women of the 1920s and 1930s. The role of women translators is explored, as well as the scope of their work and the constraints they faced as translators. Finally, the author relates the writing of Kim Myong-Sun, Pak Hwa-Song, and Mo Yun-Suk to new trends imported into Korea through translation.

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