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Suro: The First King of Gaya
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 12,000
USD 8.34
Author: Lee Hye-sook
Publisher: Seoul Selection
Pub. Date: Dec. 2008
Pages: 44
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 11.34 x 9.6 x 0.03
ISBN: 9788991913486
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Suro: The First King of Gaya

Suro: The First King of Gaya
is a book in a series for children produced by the Academy of Korean Studies and dedicated to important figures of history and legend.

The book is based on an original story from the Samgukyusa (Memoirs of the Three Kingdoms) by Iryeon.

The beautifully illustrated Suro tells the tale of King Suro, the legendary founder of Geumgwan Gaya, the ruling city-state of the ancient Gaya Confederation. All details of the story have been proofread and edited by the Academy of Korean Studies, and the authenticity of the story is guaranteed.

This book also includes a brief section introducing South Korea, which can help foreigners develop a better understanding of Korea.

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